Chapter 4: Confrontations

Start from the beginning

"You're wrong. First of all that little 'race' doesn't kill my streak because it didn't count. Second I wouldn't really call that a win for you, but whatever. Third it is you that's the problem" he turned back to his phone. I just stood there for a second trying to figure out how someone could be so rude.

"Thank you" I forced a smile on my face.

"For what?" he didn't even look up.

"For admitting that you're a sexist ass. You were perfectly fine admitting I was good when you thought I was a guy, but apparently losing to Sid is extremely different than losing to Sienna. Take whatever problem you have with me and shove it" I pivoted on my heel and bolted out of the library. That'll teach me to give someone like Turner Sorenson a second chance.

I was still irritated at the end of the day when I met Mason in the parking lot, and of course he was quick to point it out.

"Someone's in a bad mood. Run for your lives" he grabbed the hand of the girl who had walked up next to him and pretended to run away.

"I don't know how you're friends with Turner Sorenson. He is the most aggravating, rude, inconsiderate, condescending, sexist, intolerable-who's this?" I stopped my rant when I realized Mason was still holding this random girl's hand.

"I'm Kristen. Mason talks about you all the time, but you're even funnier than all his stories make you out to be" she offered me her hand.

"Kristen's my girlfriend Sienna. We've been together for a little over a month" Mason clarified as I sized her up. She was about 5'9" and slightly taller than I was. She had a trendy short blonde bob, and I had to admit I was jealous that she could pull off the sequined tank, leather jacket, and combat boots look she was sporting. I looked down at my jeans and flannel and for the first time in a long time wished I had put more effort into my appearance that morning.

"Over a month? Are you kidding me?" I jumped on his back and toppled us over into a pile of snow, "how could you not tell me" I scolded.

"I didn't want you to scare her away" Mason tried to get up, but I pushed him back down.

"I am not scary" I insisted as I brushed snow off my flannel.

"Sienna you're kind of intimidating. Woah please don't push me again" he begged when I stepped toward him menacingly.

"Kristen am I intimidating?" I turned around to see her laughing mercilessly at Mason.

"Mason's dumb. Ignore him. He was worried you wouldn't want to share him. He's not the brightest bulb" she put her arm around my shoulders.

I turned to Mason, "I like her," turning back to Kristen I shot her a confused look "Share him? You can take him. I've been trying to get rid of him for years" I teased.

"Very funny. I actually wanted to introduce you to Kristen for a reason, not just so the two most important women in my life could gang up on me" Mason finally stood up once he realized I wouldn't knock him on his butt again.

"Let's face it Mason, we're the only women in your life" I high fived Kristen, "but what was your reason for finally introducing her to me? You know besides your obligation as my cousin, which you blatantly ignored" I hadn't heard much about Kristen, but then again I didn't tune into the gossip mill regularly; however, the few things I had heard about Kristen were all positive, and more importantly if she made Mason happy, then she was alright in my book.

"The Make a Wish Fundraising Gala is coming up soon and whether you like it or not you have to go and you have to wear a dress. I know there's no way you'll go buy one yourself, and there's no way I'm spending the day forcing you to try dresses on. I used my charm and good looks to convince Kristen to force you... I mean take you dress shopping" Mason hid behind Kristen, probably scared I would attack him again.

"I told you I'm not going to anything with the word Gala in it. That is so old fashioned and ridiculous" I crossed my arms.

"Come on Sienna it's for the children, and I'll buy you food while we're shopping" Kristen raised her eyebrows and waited for my response.


"Deal" we shook on it.

"Dang I'm good" Mason gloated.

"Oh hush. You do realize the odds of me actually finding a dress I like or will wear by choice are slim to none" I pointed out.

"Not with that attitude you won't. Now Mason here are my keys. You drive my car to your house and I'll ride with Sienna so we can get to know each other and she can tell me what Turner did to make her so angry" Kristen kissed him on the cheek before tossing him her keys, grabbing my extra helmet, and climbing onto the snowmobile behind me.

We flew out of the parking lot leaving Mason standing there trying to figure out what just happened. I liked a girl that could keep my cousin on his toes.

If she thinks she's frustrated with Turner Sorenson now just wait. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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