I tried my best not to cry at the memory. I knew that this was the tree that he dug out for me. It had the damage on it, but if you look carefully, you could see little burns on it. It seems as if Natsu had some trouble lifting it up and burnt a little by accident.

I gave up and leaned my back against it and wept in my arms.

Natsu. Please, come back. I need you.


I was making my way around magnolia and the towns and city nearby.

I stopped at Hargeon's dock.

I looked at the damaged deck as another memory flashed.

"Open! Gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!" I placed the tip of my golden key in the water as a little 'ding dong' sound rang, summoning the spirit. "Tch." The mermaid glared at me. "Hey now! I'mm very happy to see you too!" I said, pissed off.

"Next time you drop my key, I'll kill you." She threatened as a wave formed and washed Bora's ship away. Somehow, I got caught up with it. "OI! Don't catch me too?!" I shouted and tried to stay afloat. "AYE!" Happy said. Soon, we were washed on the shores of Hargeon.

I groaned and got up.

"Opps. I washed the ship away too." The water bearer spoke. I balled my fist. "You were aiming for me?" I yelled. Aquarius didn't reply. Then, she started to disappear. "Don't call me for the next week. I'm going on a date with my BOYFRIEND. Yes BOYFRIEND." She said in a teasing tone.

"Moh! You don't have to repeat it!" I scolded her. "Aye!" Happy said. We then began searching for Natsu. There he was fighting, Bora and his men. I was so mesmerized by his fire. "How?" I said as Happy explained about dragon slaying.

Soon, the entire deck was destroyed.

I heard footsteps, stomping behind me. "The knights?!" I shouted and was dragged away with Natsu. "Shit! We gotta go!" He said, dashing away with me. "Why am I coming with you?" I questioned. He slowed and grinned at me.

"Because you wanted to join Fairy Tail right?" He said with his signature grin. I blushed as I knew that my life was going to change with this decision.


I haven't regretted that choice. He brought me to the guild I have always wanted to join. The guild that I was pretty much in love with.

I stared up into the grey sky and wiped my tears away. He was going to come back. He said so. He never breaks his promise.


Soon enough, another month has past. Still, I was alone. It was raining yet again. Seems like Juvia is depressed with Gray always going out with jobs or maybe she was just stressed. Either way, she wasn't happy. How do I know? It has been raining nonstop for the past week.

I don't disagree. It was my mood for the past few years.

I didn't know why, but I had a voice whispering in my head over and over again to head outside. I eventually gave in and put my combat boots on and stepped out to the wet atmosphere. I sighed and let the rain soak me.

I started walking to nowhere when I heard a familiar voice that made my heart accelerate.

I whipped my head around to face the owner of this voice.

"Lucy..." The person spoke again.

Tears were forming in my eyes as I collapsed. There he was. The pink hair idiot that I had missed for so long. I took a careful look at him. He looked a bit different now. His pink hair was damp from the rain. It had grown quite long for a boy.

"Natsu.." I cried.

He ran towards me and threw his arms around my body. I took no hesitation to hug him back, crying into his vest as he soothed me. He then pulled away and gripped my chin. "Natsu. Please. Don't leave me again..." I sobbed.

He started to descend to me. "I won't. I'm here to stay." He whispered before crashing is lips on mine.

I kissed back, pulling him closer.

He placed his hand on the back of my hair, locking me in. This kiss was passionate but I needed to show him how much I had missed him and needed him next to me.

We pulled apart. Natsu looked at me with apologetic eyes. He pulled me close to him once more. "I'm sorry Lucy. I won't leave you again." He spoke. I nodded as the rain continued to pour.

Thunderstorms were once my weakness.

Thunderstorms were why I cried at night.

Thunderstorms reminded me of THAT night.

Now, thunderstorms will recall the memory of the day, we were reunited.


Well look! I think I'm getting the hang of this. I thought of this when there were was a thunderstorm so yah. Also, I don't think I'm going to do the lemon cause well, I just don't think it will be good. Tell me in the comments below if I should. Anyway, I'll update soon...


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Nalu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now