Chapter 2

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"Emilia, We've been waiting for you to wake up" Says the woman in a white lab coat.

"Who are you exactly?", I ask.

     Wow that is a really dumb question I think to myself.  She approaches me with caution, like I am some wild animal that could strike at any given moment.  Maybe I can though, and maybe I will.

"I know you don't remember me Emilia, but we still remember you." She tells me.

Before she has a chance to say anything else I question, "And how  exactly is that supposed to help me?"

"Well Emilia if you would have let me finish I would have said my name is Elizabeth Connor White," She states.

"Now tell me, what can you remember," She asks.

It takes me a second to find my voice but when I do it comes out stronger then I imagined," I remember that my name is Emilia Anderson Grey.  I remember that you tried to keep me safe.  I also remember somebody tried to kill me."

I find it hard to believe that someone like her would try to protect me though.  Very hard to believe.

"Now why don't I shed some lite onto this situation," She says grinning.


Sorry for the very short chapter :(  But I hope you all enjoyed it.  :)

So with that lets get on to the next chapter.

And Question of the Chapter

What do you think that Elizabeth will show her?

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