Chapter 20) Kidnapped?!

Start from the beginning

Today had to be the best day ever. But that soon change.

Even now its hard to remember. Its like the fog he was surrounded by when he was taken.

A massive bang echoed through both of their ears. He felt the smooth hand leave his followed by a scream. He called her name more than once but no reply came. He stood helplessly in the fog, unable to do a thing since he couldn't see. Tears rolled down his face. He had lost her.

Suddenly, a pain shot through every inch of his body, like an electric shock. Making him gasped for air. Then he fell into the darkness as his eyelids grew heavy from pain.

He awoke in a cell. Surrounded by other people and weird creatures in their own cells. He called for her but she didn't answer. He shook the cell door in frustration which to his surprise was open. He stepped out of the cell. He wanted to know what was going on, where Mellisa was. He came to the last cell in the long corridor and there she was. A smile spread across his face. She was sat crouched in the corner of her cell her hands covered her face.

"Mellisa" He called. But she didn't even flinched. He shook the cell door which mad her look up.

"W-who are you? Where am I? W-who am I?" She sobbed looking at Kamron with her wet eyes and tear -stained face. " I can't remember...anything?"

"It's me Mellisa. Its kamron." He said softly, shaking the prison door, trying to free her. But it didn't budge.

"I-i-i don't understand" She sobbed, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "My head hurts" She whimpered.

"I know, I know but you have to trust me. I will get you outta' here" He said softly.

"NO! " She screamed. "I don't know who you are, I don't know where I am and i don't know who I am!"

Kamron's heart had been torn in two. It pained him to see his love so fragile and confused. He felt a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"The silver trade commander will see you now!" A voice behind him bellowed. silver trade? He had turned around to come face to face with a tall red man with piercing yellow eyes. He had almost screamed in shock. He had to be dreaming, trapped in a nightmare. But this, this could not be reality.

Kamron didn't even realize that the red man was leading him away from Mellisa into never ending metal corridors. He was too busy focusing on how delusional this all was. Was all this even real?

Kamron found himself within a gigantic room. The walls were edged with bookcases that weren't actually filled with books but with small glass jars. Each had a label which had a name and a number written on them in posh writing and black ink. The large black numbers range from 1 to 10 although there were little tens and ones on the jars. The numbers were random. The thick, black ink of one particular jar stood out to Kamron. Melissa Reed was written in fancy writing with a large number 5 underneath. Melissa. It was his Melissa. He walked away from the red man, who was stood still near the door as if he was guarding it, and over to the jar. He carefully lifted it up examining the small delicate jar. He noticed that it contained a small amount of glitter that seemed to be floating around, quite like a Galaxy he saw in a picture when he was at school.

"so? You like my collection of memories? " A voice, like whisper, echoed into his ears, making him jump and almost drop the jar.

He looked around but no-one was there, He turned back to the shelf in front of him, He almost dropped the jar again when he noticed a smirking creep stood silently and extremely close to his left side. The smirking creep was pale and had strange scars all over his face. He smiled revealing all his small pointy teeth. His small piercing yellow eyes searched Kamron's ace. He wore a black cloak that also covered his head. He looked like something from a horror film. Just plain creepy.

"I suggest you put that down before you drop it, don't you think?" It hissed.

Kamron nodded sheepishly, too terrified to anything else before placing the jar back with his shaking hand. He turned back to find the creep had vanished.

"Arn't you the special one?" A faint whisper, only just audible, echoed into Kamron's ears. He looked to his right to find the creep again. Kamron jumped back in shock. The creep was fast. One minuet to his left  and in the blink of an eye the creepy man was stood next to him on his right.

Kamron just stared, not knowing what exactly he should do.

"We've had plenty here but none quite like you" The creep smiled agin, revealing his repulsive yellow fangs. They where so yellow that they could slow down traffic.

"Umm.. er....mmm."  Was all that Kamron could manage to stutter. Confused and scared.

The creep laughed. "You seemed to be stupid too."

Kamron was quite offended by the stranger's comment, which thankfully brought him to reality. "What have you done to Melissa?" He asked, eyeing up the freak.

"Oh! and the idiot has a voice." He smirked before limping slowly away towards the only chair in the room, which sat at the center. Kamron just stood still. He desperately wanted to know what  was going on and what was wrong with Melissa. "oh, and the girl. she is a prize to be won, I can tell you that." The creep coughed. "It's  a shame we have to sell her. I would have liked to keep that one."

"Sell? what are you talking about?" Kamron raised his voice and anger built inside him.

"oh, this is rich. He dosn't know?" The creep asked the red man, who still stood at the door, with a smirk on his face. The red man shook his head, indicating a no.

"well then, this should be fun." The creep looked back to Kamron.

"Ths..." He waved his hand in the air, indicating to9 the room. "Is the silver trade and you are the first to be rejected!"


"Shut up boy! I will get to that if you don't interrupt me again!" The creep snarled. "The silver trade. It's in the name. We trade living organisms, anything that can be used as slaves. They will have their memories taken away..." He said pointing at the jars "And the person that remains will be sold off across the galaxies to be slaves. Simple." He smiled but it quickly vanished. "But you changed that. You'r memories, somehow, could not be extracted. You were rejected!" He snarled again.

"So what does that mean? what happens next?" Kamron asked, confused.

"You're going to be our pet. A rat to experimentt on"

And that is exactly what they did. They took Kamron away and he was tortured. He was prodded with needles but that soon became worse. More and more rejects turned up. The silver trade had no choice to dispose of them and they found a way to. They discovered that they could extract the soul away from the body and place it onto their lab rat, they then were able to sew the remaining skin to Kamron. Turning him into a living monster. Driving him insane.


"Oh my God, that's awful!" Amelia exclaimed.

"That's why I need you're help." He said wiping away a stray tear.

"You want me to help get Melissa back?" She asked, confused.

"No, she's gone and she can't come back."

"So what do you want me to help you with?"

"I want to help you get you'r father back and then you need to help me destroy the Silver trade, once and for all!"


So SOs so so so sorry for the late updates. I write this on my Tablet so i'm sorry for spell mistakes and grammar mistakes. I'll attempt to post another chapter before I go on holiday.

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