Chapter 14) This way!

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The clock was ticking and they had little time to find the TARDIS. Amelia saw a map of the whole ship in her brain which was leading her to the wonderful blue box that she hadn't been in for a very long time... 7 years in fact.  Brought up as a human on earth at the age of 3 upwards, who was then kidnapped by aliens at the age of 11 to find out she too is an alien. what a hell of a day!

"NEXT LEFT AND THEN WE SHOULD BE THERE!" Amelia shouted over the blaring alarms, as ahe ran in front of the Doctor and River.

Just like she said, they turned left to come a cross not one but two beautiful blue boxes.

"One's fake, right? The used one to get Amelia?" River asked.

"Yep!" Both the Doctor and Amelia said,  popping the 'p'.

"And i know exactly what is my TARDIS!" The Doctor said cockily.

"It's this one" Both Amelia and the Doctor said, pointing totally different Boxes. while the Doctor pointed to the left, Amelia pointed to the right.

"NO! This is the TARDIS, I Think i know my own TARDIS" The Doctor exclaimed, this was his TARDIS, of course it was.  He could spot his TARDIS anywhere, after all it was his.

"No, i'm pritty sure it's this one" Amelia shook her head still pointed at the Police box  on the right.


"We haven't got time!" River fussed.

"This is defiantly the TARDIS." The Doctor walk to the police box on the left, and pushed the doors open to reveal...nothing. Nothing? How on earth could he have got it wrong?

He looked back at Amelia who was smiling from ear to ear and River Laughing at the childish look of disappointment clear on his face. He shook his head in shame and walked to the Real TARDIS on the right side. "Shut up" He said to no one particular, out of embarrassment, as he stepped into his beloved TARDIS.


"COME ON THEN LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" The Doctor yelled from inside the TARDIS.

No-one moved. Amelia just looked straight ahead while River curiously looked at her Daughter.

River placed a reassuring hand on Amelia's shoulder and said "Don't worry, It's fine. come on."

Amelia Looked at her Mother and smiled.


"COME ON YOU TWO! HURRY UP BEFORE WE GET BLASTED TO SMITHEREENS" Yelled the Doctor, sticking his head out the TARDIS.

River slipped her and in to her Daughters as they ran into the TARDIS.

Amelia smiled at the contents of the TARDIS. It had been years since she had been into the TARDIS'S console room but right now at this very moment it felt like seconds. Amelia felt a small warming gush of wind coming from the TARDIS, who was welcoming her.

"This is the TARDIS, Stands for Time An..."

"And Relative Dimension In Space, I know" Amelia interrupted the Doctor, with a smug smile on her face. River closed the doors behind them and ran to the Doctor to help.


"Let's get going" River smiled.

Both the Doctor and River ran around the console pulling this, pushing that.


"Turn the brakes off." River instructed the Doctor from the other side of the console.

"But i like the noise she makes" The Doctor replied, muttering under his breath like a child that had just been scolded.


"Come on, come on , come on, come on." The Doctor muttered to him self as he ran around the TARDIS along with River, pressing random buttons.


"you might want to hold on to something, it's gonna be a bumpy ride" The Doctor instructed his daughter.


Amelia grabbed on to the railings that surrounded the console, preparing for the worst.


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