8. Looking For Romance

Start from the beginning

So he gingerly took a facewasher from their cabinet, and wet it a little before running it over his face, trying to make himself feel a little better. He then poured himself a glass of water and washed out his mouth, before venturing out of their bedroom and bathroom to find Louis.

He peered into the hallway, to find it quiet, before having a look in the kitchen. It was empty, so he made his way into the living room, expecting to find Louis asleep on the couch, except he wasn't.

Harry searched the whole rest of the apartment, until he came to the realisation that Louis wasn't there in their apartment.

So Harry resigned himself to bed, only stopping by the kitchen for a cup of tea before he went back to sleep. Once he flicked the kettle on, he noticed a note on their kitchen bench.

H, I've gone out for just a moment, but I promise I'll be back soon. I love you. Louis xx

Harry frowned as he read it, assuming Louis had written it before he left at some point during the morning. Harry found it a little weird that he'd been up and awake before 8 in the morning, but didn't pay much attention to it. Louis must have just gone out to get something from the corner shop, he'd surely be back soon.

So Harry made his cup of tea, and trudged back to the bedroom. It was only then, that he realised Louis' side of the bed had still been perfectly made. Louis never made the bed, meaning it hadn't been touched since Harry had made it the previous morning. The younger boy frowned again, before climbing back into bed and sending his boyfriend a text.

It was better to be safe.

However, once he pressed the send button, he heard Louis' phone ding from the living room, indicating that he'd left his mobile behind, which was quite odd. Louis never went anywhere without it.

So Harry was left with no choice but to wait for him to come home.


Harry had drifted off to sleep for a few more hours, before being woken by his phone ringing. It was a friend of his, Cara, asking if they were still on for lunch.

Harry had completely forgotten about their plans, and rushed to get ready before dashing out of the house to meet her.

That was how he found himself sitting at a café with one of his best friends, worrying his ass off about his missing boyfriend.

"Haz, calm down." Cara cooed, resting her hands over his. "He's probably just gone to the store and got caught up or something. Don't worry, he'll be home before you know it."

"I know," Harry sighed. "M'just worried about him."

"I know, love." Cara chuckled, before leaning back. "Hey, let's order yeah? We can talk about something else."

"Um yeah, good idea." Harry agreed with a small smile, opening his menu. "I don't really feel like much, I was ill this morning."

"Oh?" Cara's eyebrows crinkled in worry. "You eat something odd?"

"I don't think so..." Harry drawled. "M'not quite sure what it was, really. Probably nothing."

"Let's hope." Cara agreed. "What are you thinking of eating, H?"

"I don't know." Harry chuckled, glad for the change of topic. "Nothing with eggs though. I smelt some before as the waitress walked past and nearly gagged."

"I thought you loved eggs?" Cara laughed too, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"I do!" Harry laughed with her. "It's so odd. I don't know what's wrong with me today."

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