Some more Time War story notes

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I may have written and published the end of my Time War story, but that does not mean it's complete. There is still work to do.
The writing of Part I is often subpar compared to Part III and much of Part II. The chapters are too short and aren't as well written. There are some, such as "The Supreme Dalek's Plan," that didn't need to be written and perhaps shouldn't have been.

What I'm doing right now is going back and improving it. I haven't done a ton but already chapters like "Romana's Council" parts I and II are a lot better. I've done things like eliminate passive voice where possible, add more dialogue, and remove unnecessary adverbs. I need to overhaul or maybe even rewrite some chapters, such as many of the "I help where I can" parts.

You may ask why I'm doing this. A lot of people tell me that I could potentially rework this thing forever, that no one's first book is great, and that I should write something original now.

I'm doing it because I want to make this story the best I can. I know that Part I has squandered potential that I can add to it. Very few people have written a solid beginning to the Time War, and since this is the first story to my knowledge that's covered it from beginning to end, I want to make it the best I can.
Another reason is that I want more people to read it. I know, a selfish motive! Horrible, isn't it?

If more people read and like it, though, I'll have a bigger chance of fulfilling one of my its biggest objectives: to inspire more people to write about the Time War.
I've already mentioned that good Time War fics (or any for that matter) are rare. This is my effort to change that. The Time War is one of the biggest potential sources of fanfic fuel that I have encountered, yet few people take advantage of it. One main reason is that people are too busy writing TenXRose and stuff like that, but I think that another is that people don't see the potential and/or don't know how to go about doing it.

In this story alone, there are a ton of potential story ideas. These include but are not limited to:
The adventures of Braxnil, Romana, and Narvin while they were running from the Time Lords, the history of the New Temporal Alliance, whatever happened to Irving Braxiatel and Leela, and the many, many years that I had to skip just in the main plot.
And this is just in my version of the Time War. There are so many possible others! Now that people have this as a source to draw ideas from and something to contrast their own imaginations and ideas with, hopefully people will get a better idea of what their versions are so that they can tell them. If I have a great success, there will be a a whole bookshelves' worth of good Time War stories that do justice to people's imaginations and what was touched on in the RTD era.

If any of you have constructive criticism or suggestions, especially for the earlier chapters, then by all means tell me! I really want to bring Parts I (and to a lesser extent) II up to par with Part III! (And I may even retroactively add a chapter or two!)

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