Chapter 39

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       I awake to the slap of footsteps sometime the next morning. I yawn and sit up.

       "Here we go again," I mutter to no one. Dylan runs into the room.

       "Hi again. You're needed in the infirmary," he says.

       "Of course. Always the infirmary," I say.

       "I know right!" he whisper yells.

       "Well, I'm going. See ya later," I say. I walk out of the room and make my way up to the infirmary. I get up there, and Addison rushes to me.

       "Delilah, I think the two kids here might have healing powers. They're better than they were earlier, and I can't figure out why," she says in a rushed, panicked voice.

       "Calm down, Addison. I healed them a bit because I didn't want them to die," I say calmly.

       "Oh thank God. I was a bit terrified for a minute," she says.

       "Yeah, I can tell. You looked like you had seen a ghost," I say with a smile.

       "Hahaha, yeah. It seemed like it didn't it?" she says.

       "Yeah. I'm just glad they're okay," I say smiling.

       "I am too. I've had enough death to last me a life time," she says with a sigh.

       "I have, too, but it seems that it's the new way of life, sadly," I say with a grim half smile.

       "I agree with that," she says.

       "I think everyone does," I say.

       "Yeah, I agree with that as well," she says.

       "Well, I gotta go. See ya around," I say. I walk out and down to the cafeteria. Kellin was wrong about it staying a mess after a week. They actually cleaned it up the day he lost it. I'm glad because someone took me some pictures, and it looked like a tornado had went through the place. I hadn't seen that big of a mess in forever. I mean I think I could make a mess that big, but I don't know why I'd want to.

       "Um, Delilah, is it?" a strange kid asks while approaching me cautiously. He has short, white hair, and his eyes are an amber color. He looks around thirteen and about five foot seven. He has a black eye, and a freshly busted lip.

       "Yes, it is. What's your name?" I ask with a friendly smile.

       "I'm Glade. I came with the new kids. They don't really like me though because I'm," he sighs and I can tell it's difficult when he continues, "I'm different than all of them. I know you've noticed the black eye and busted lip. They did that to me just a few minutes ago. It doesn't really hurt though because they beat me all the time. Anyway I came to ask if you would still accept me."

       "Well, of course I will. Us kids should stick together, you know? Anyway what's so special about you?" I ask.

       "I can smell things from far away, and I can tell what I'm smelling. Like I can tell and azom from a kizom. A leaf from a blade of grass. I think you get the idea. They try to break my nose a lot to see if it would break my power. I always dodge or they miss and hit elsewhere. I'm tired of being beat up," Glade says.

       "I have four friends that have powers. One's in the infirmary, but if one of them accepts you they all will. Would you like to meet them?" I ask with a friendly smile.

       "Yeah, please," he says. His frown turns into a bright smile, and his lip bleeds more.

       "Here let me take care of that lip," I say. I touch his lip just for a few seconds, and it heals almost instantly. I didn't even feel my energy drop. He looks at me with confusion.

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