Meeting Alex

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Thanksgiving break for Alex had its pros and cons. The good thing about it is not going to school and being awkward around people because of his shyness. People can be so judgment about everyone whether they look good or bad. That's why he's not the happiest when it comes to meeting new people. The boy claims it’s his shyness but he doesn't want to accept the fact that he's insecure.

On to the cons; Alex had absolutely nothing to do on breaks like these. With hardly many friends, it's kind of hard to keep himself occupied.

Which brings him to why he's on chatroulette.

Alex didn't dare to turn on his camera, nor his mic. He sat comfortably on his bed with his laptop in front of him. It was hard to keep a conversation for more than two minutes because some people were more impatient than others. Sighing to himself, he pushed his laptop to the side on a table.

To keep himself occupied, he started to walk around and clean up a bit. Bored of just moving a lot after a while, Alex started to sing to himself.

'Time to lay claim to the evidence...'

Alex walked over to the table next to his bed that his laptop was on, still singing and completely oblivious to the fact that his mic was on and chatting with another person. He glanced at the bottom right hand corner to check the time and stopped singing when a message popped up in the chat.

'I love your voice.'

The teenager panicked starting to move stuff around and walk back to his bed. He picked up the laptop of the small table and spoke. 'Oh shit! Um hello?’

‘Hi.’ a voice came through his laptop.

‘I didn’t realizes my mic was on I’m so embarrassed.’

‘Don’t be, you have an amazing voice.’

‘No I don’t.’

‘Yeah you do. And I don’t lie babe.’ The guy argued and called him...babe? Alex cheeks flushed, flattered.

‘Did you just call me babe?’ he all but chocked out.

‘Um yeah sorry. I understand if you don’t wanna talk to me anymore.’

‘It’s okay, I don’t mind. I was just wondering. Um what’s your name?’


‘Alex. How old are you?’

’17, you?’

‘17 but I’ll be 18 in three weeks.’

'Lucky. I just turned 17 about five months ago.’

‘So where are you from Jack?’

‘Baltimore.’ The boy almost jumped out his skin.

‘Oh shit! Are you serious?!’ He laughs a little.

‘Um yeah why?’

‘I’m from Cockeysville.’

‘Oh my god, that’s like 20 minutes away.’ It was quiet for a split second before Jack spoke again. ‘Ugh.’

‘What is something wrong?’ Alex asked automatically thinking the worst that he didn't want to talk anymore.

‘Um no I was just thinking about something. So what are you doing for break?’

‘Nothing just hanging out at home, since everyone I know is out of state for break. How about you?’

‘Same sitting at home being bored. What were you singing earlier?’

‘Oh um just one of my songs I wrote a few days ago, why?’

‘I really liked what I heard of it. Would you sing some more? I mean I understand if you don’t want to.’

‘I guess I could.’ Alex was nervous when it came to his singing, especially to someone he met five minutes again. ‘Um I don’t normally sing in front of anyone so yeah.’

’Well you’re not really if you think about it. You can’t see me and I can’t see you, so you don’t have to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of me and I wouldn’t judge you anyways. And plus I already think you sound amazing.’ Alex smiled at his compliment.

‘I guess you’re right. So should I sing an original or something everyone know?’

‘It’s up to you I don’t care either way babe.’ When the babe word was brought up again, Alex couldn't tame the grin tugging on his facial expression.

‘Um I’ll sing an original then I guess.' He cleared his throat before finishing where he left of earlier.

It's been getting late for days

And I think myself deserving of a little time of

We can kick it here for hours

And just mouth off about the world

And how we know it's going straight to hell

Pass me another bottle, honey

The Jaeger’s so sweet

But if it keeps you around, then I'm down

Meet me on Thames Street

I'll take you out

Though I'm hardly worth your time

In the cold, you look so fierce

But I'm warm enough

Because the tension's like a fire

We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes

And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line

Fall in the grave I've been digging myself

But there's room for two

Six feet under the stars’

There was silence on the other end and then laughing. His face fell and immediately regretted singing for anyone. Even cursing God for giving him the ability to sing.

‘Holy shit Alex! That was just holy tittie fuck!’ Jack laughed more.

‘Um.’ Alex tried to laugh it off. ‘Was that okay?’

‘No.' Jack took a breath. 'That was more than okay that was amazing. Whoever told you, you couldn’t sing obviously was deaf! Holy shit!'

‘Thanks Jack.’ He thanked him laughing. Just then Blink 182’s Dammit is blasting through Alex’s phone. ‘Just a minute Jack I gotta take this.'


Alex answered his phone and the sound of his best friend Rian filled his ears. 'Alex dude, Blink 182 tickets came out and your awesome best friend bought two for the both of us!'

'What?! Are you serious?! That's awesome Rian! Yeah I'll be there in like 30. Yeah okay bye.' He hung up and got his attention back to Jack. 'Hey um Jack I'm sorry I gotta go to my friend's house but I really liked talking to you.'

'Um I know this is going to sound weird Alex but I really wanna talk to you again, can I have your twitter, skype, number, Facebook or something?'

Alex laughs ‘Um yeah my twitter is wannahaveswag’ He laughs again and Jack does too.

‘Seriously Alex?’

Alex laughs again and says, ’My last name is Gaskarth so it’s wanna have sex with Alex Gaskarth.’ He laughs again.

‘Oh my god that’s genius. Okay I added you and tweeted you.’

‘Okay I’ll add you back but I gotta go before Rian kills me. Bye Jack.’

‘Bye Alex.’

Alex disconnects the chat and leaps out of his bed to put his shoes and jacket to meet Rian at his house. When there are Blink 182 tickets on the table, there is no way to pass them up.

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