Chapter 1

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So there I was sitting in a mango tree that I was pretending was my mansion. Then I hear my grandmother's yelling" Ariana get your behind back in this house!" We lived in the country side of Jamaica only me and my grandma. It wasn't like my mother didn't take care of me, she visited often because she was trying to find some work in America. As far as I know she has a job and is steady in terms of her career. "Ariana!!" My grandma yells another time. I scramble out of the tree expecting the punishment of a lifetime, for what though, who knows but that's what I'm about to find out. I'm on the ground running to the house and I see our dogs and their puppies chasing after me. They always follow when your running apparently hoping I will lead them to a treat.
I reach the house finally only to come to see my grandma on the phone with my mother, and she's laughing!! What is this?! I come expecting an emergency and she laughing. Cool yourself Ariana it's only call. I walk towards my grandmother and ask what's going on. When grandma replies I struggle to keep my jaw from dropping. My mom's engaged! "What?!" I exclaim out of instinct then quickly cover my mouth. "She is getting married!" My grandmother replies. I almost didn't believe it my mother, getting married. This could change my whole life! I wonder what her fiancé is like. I hope I like him after all he will be my new dad!

Life as art_lovaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin