The Encounter

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(A/N: I'd like to inform that these characters are solely mine based off of my imagination. Although I will be using the looks of celebrities, their persona is created for the use of this book and it's plot only. Enjoy :)

The beginning:

The sun streamed through the sheer, violet curtains. The blaring alarm awoke the small girl from her slumber, forcing her to get ready for her day. Astrid made her way across the hall to her bathroom. It was a soft pink, with everything neatly organized. Astrid took pride in her cleanness and didn't really like mess.

Her mind wandered as she stood under the warm water. For some reason she couldn't stop thinking about girls. How Dani's hair was so pretty, and that Maddy has such beautiful eyes.
     But what confused her the most is that she admired Cynthia's tattoos, especially the one that peeks out of her shirt when she stretches.
Astrid's eyes widened as she began to think indecent thoughts. Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped her self in a fluffy towel making her way to her room.

It was only mid-July and she was already bored. What to do? She thought, already changed. Covering her was a baby blue tank top with the word love scattered across it. She had on a snug pair of shorts, not usually to her liking but it was to hot to handle jeans.

She headed downstairs to greet her mother, only to find she was not there.

From: Mamma

I got called in for a surgery. Not sure if I'll be home soon. There's breakfast in the microwave. Love you, A.

To: Mamma

Morning!! Thanks for breakfast. I was wondering if I could go stroll around today? Love you too, Ma.

From: Mamma

Yes of course A, just be careful. Take the car. Dr. Hansen picked me up. There's money in the jar, so you don't have to use your card.

To: Mamma

Thanks Ma!

Astrid giggled excitedly and ate the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Her mother was usually at work, being a surgeon and all, and it left Astrid independent. She didn't mind. She knew that her mother tried her hardest after her father left them.

The car turned on with a slight roar. She loved the sound and pulled out of the drive way heading to the beach. In the back seat of the 2010 Range Rover was her beach bag and a small basket containing different snacks to munch on. Windows down and music loud, the stage picture of any typical movie.

Astrid parked the car and grabbed her bags to find a decent area with a lot of sun. She really wanted to tan and get rid of her pale complexion.
She lay her towel on the white sand, setting her stuff at a close distance to the beach. Pulling her tank over her head and taking off her shorts, she ran inside the water.

    "CRAP!!!" She squealed as the cold water hit her porcelain skin. She noticed a group of girls from her school she's never talked to before we're heading towards her direction.
   The only girl she recognized was Cynthia. She wasn't sure if they would know who she was so she continued to swim around.

    Astrid looked towards the inked girl once again, only to find her taking off her clothes revealing a very revealing bathing suit. She couldn't look away. Suddenly, Cynthia caught her eye and Astrid let out a small gasp as their eyes met, looking away quickly, and hoping she would look somewhere else fast.


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