"She won't be working like that any more because I'm back and will resume my normal workload while Becky will go back to hers." Nate states firmly and Liam calms almost completely.

"Have you told him everything?" Liam asks me and I shake my head.

"What did you not tell me?" Nate asks me.

"She's been in hospital almost every weekend the last two months because she keeps collapsing from no food, no water and over working herself, yet she has to come to work everyday because Peter can't do the little bit he does by himself and then if he isn't here Becky has to do all the work so the company doesn't fall over." Liam answers.

"Hospital?" Monica asks and I sigh.

"I was just getting dehydrated, under feed and over worked so I collapsed a lot." I answer and she gasps.

"Nate, she needs a holiday." Monica states but I shake my head.

"I'l be fine now that you are back and the work load and hours are going back to normal." I tell Nate and he nods.

"Alright, you can continue to work but if you collapse once at home or here then you will be forced to take two weeks off." Nate states firmly and I nod.

"Yes, sir." I reply.

"Liam, take her home and get her rested, feed and hydrated. I will take over for the rest of the day." Nate says but I shake my head.

"No, I'm fine." I reply and Nate gives me a pointed look.

"At least let me go over things with you." I say with a sigh and Nate nods.

"Liam, do you wanna wait in the car or out here?" I ask, looking up at him.

"I'll wait here for you, baby. You go do your work." He answers softly before kissing my forehead.

Liam sits on the couch in the waiting room and Monica takes a seat on a different chair while I grab all the paperwork and my diaries. Nate and I go to his office and Nate frowns when he sees his messy office.

"I'll clean this too. I haven't really come in here much because I was doing other wor---"

"It's not your fault, Becky. Peter will come in tomorrow and get his ass kicked as well as clean this whole room." Nate interrupts and I nod.

He sits down at his desk and cleans it up a little. I place the paperwork in front of him and then hand him a few pieces of paper with a detailed list of everything about the papers.

"The only thing I could prioritise for Peter was the signing of papers so that's what he did most of the time while I took meetings, saw clients, organised any holidays for workers, pay for all the workers, bills for the company, my normal job, I managed to keep up with all the files, typing anything up, organising papers, transferring specific data to usb's, basically anything that needed doing." I explain and I can see the anger in Nate's whole body.

Nate then picks up the phone and dials a number. Using my heightened hearing I listen in to the conversation.

"Hello Peter speaking?" I hear Peter answer.

"Get your ass to the office, right now." Nate demands.

"Good to hear from you too, bro. Can it wait till tomorrow?" Peter asks and I mentally face palm.

"No, get here now." Nate answers.

"I'm kinda busy though, bro." Peter says.

"Peter, you are supposed to be working right now so if I say get your ass here then I mean get your ass here." Nate states.

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