Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Dedicated to ButterflyHearts because she made me my cover and I love it sooooo much!! Thanks again!!

Olivia's POV

It's been 3 years since I've seen Hunter. I didn't even get his last name when we met on my vacation and his baseball tournament. I am a year older than him and when I met him I was an incoming senior in high school. He was an incoming junior. I was on a college road trip once I left Vero Beach. He was with a group of friends for a baseball tournament. He is from Florida, I'm from Maryland. He was used to beach parties... Me the closest beach was 3.5 hours away.

I remember when I first saw Hunter, my friend Ashley and I were heading to the resort's Teen Night and we passed four hot guys. I didn't really get a good look at their faces; probably because I was looking at the ground trying not to blush when they passed and all looked at us. Later that night after Ashley and I had long left the Teen Night with no one there, changed into our bathing suits and tried to go to the hot tub. After we had given up on our attempts to get into the hot tub, because there were either many creepy old guys or it was just too crowded to even go in, we were heading back to the room. We stopped into the little shop the main building, where our room was, had and got some ice cream. After Ashley and I had paid we walked out and saw one of the four hot guys from earlier in the day with some of his friends talking to a guy at the front desk. We were already heading up the stairs when three more guys and a younger girl were heading down the stairs. One guy in that smaller group that was heading to where the rest of the guys were said to Ashley and I, "hey ladies." We responded and said hi too and he asked how we were. I answered my normal response to that question, "I'm good, how are you?" I didn't hear his response since we were at the top of the stairs and he, with the rest of his group, were at the bottom of the stairs.

Ashley and I reached our room and I looked at Ash and said, "they were probably going to the pool or beach!" Ashley knew how much I wanted to be part of a larger group of friends on this vacation because I was in a very large group of friends the past year when I came alone, except with my parents, to Vero Beach. She also knew I wasn't saying that to sound like a creeper, I was saying it because it was a large group of people that looked fun to be a part of. She said to me, do you wanna go back?" I looked at her and she knew my answer just by looking at me. "Okay let's go back, grab the towels again. You have your room key right?" I nodded and grabbed the towels; we threw I ice cream in the freezer section of the fridge and left our room.

When we got outside it was starting to get a little dark. Ashley said to me, "Okay so if they ask, which I doubt they will, but if they ask 'why did you guys come back down?' Say you had to change into your bathing suit." I said okay an we got to the pool. We didn't see them there and I remembered what my old friends and I did when we first met, we went to the beach and played frisbee.

I turned to Ashley and said, "I bet they're on the beach. Wanna go check?" Again she knew that I just wanted to be in a large friend group. She nodded and we went to the beach. When we got there we saw a large group of guys our age and a younger girl at the water's edge. As we were walking down the boardwalk, Ashley said to me, "Okay I'm going to sound like a slut but this is what I did to pick up guys when I went to the beach. Don't go right next to them, be a little ways away from them. Then ask walk over and ask them if they got in the water and how it was." I nodded and we got to the sand and dropped our stuff off. We stripped out of clothes to just have our bathing suits left. Ashley was wearing a pastel rainbow triangle bikini from Victoria's Secret and I wore a navy blue strapless bathing suit top with a metal rectangle cut down the middle and peach bottoms. We walked down to the water to find out it was ice water. I got in up to my knees trying to look like I would actually go in, but it was just too cold for me. I turned around to see Ashley walking out and towards the group. I sped up my walking and caught up to Ash. I looked over at her and she said, "I'm going to ask if they got in and how it was." Again I nodded since she knew how to get guys way better than I did.

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