☆2: Happy Birthday☆

Start from the beginning

"It's your birthday silly!" My mom replied in a playfully loud tone. She was mocking me but in her own way. My father handed me a cupcake to prove her point.

"Here, it's chocolate. I know you like those the best." My father grinned. He seemed very tired, I could tell by the bags under his eyes. Had he stayed up all night working? Or did he wake up early to bake this? I took a bite out of the cupcake. "Happy birthday!" They both shouted. Then my father gave my mother a peck on the cheek and he gave me one on the forehead. "Ok I love you both but I really have to go. I'll see you in the afternoon." My father got up from kneeling by the side of my bed. He helped my mother up since it was hard for her to get up on her own. Plus my dad is a worrywart so he didn't want her to even try to get up on her own. He walked out of my room while my mother started to follow him. She stopped in the doorway.

"You also have to get ready for school Sora." My mother told me as she slowly closed the door. Once the door was finally closed, I got up and stretched. I took off my pajamas and searched for my uniform. I couldn't wait to get to school. I wonder what Naomi is going to give me. I fixed my bed. A small bump was in the middle of the blanket and bed. What the heck is that? I reached into my bed and grabbed something warm. Oh the teddy bear! I pulled it out and sure enough the little yellow lion thing.

"I completely forgot you slept with me." I told it. I enjoy talking to inanimate objects, its a childish thing I know but still I enjoy it. I put the stuffed toy on my desk. "Mr. Teddy, stay here while I go to school ok?" I command it. I glared at it a bit and then sighed, "Ok what am I doing? I have to stop talking to toys." I sighed and got ready for school.

Before I left my mother called out for me. "Sora, come here please." I followed her voice into the kitchen. She was sorting out the mail when I entered the room. "Here you got an envelope." She handed me the envelope and I gladly accepted it. "Well have a good day at school." She didn't look too happy about the envelope. I was confused but then realized I was going to be late. I ran to the front door.

"I'm leaving!" I called out happily.

"Take care! Be safe, please." My mother shouted from the kitchen.

On my way to school, I had time to read the letter. I wonder who sent it. I checked for a return address but there was none. Ok that's weird. It only says my name and address but no return address? I wonder who sent it then. I opened the envelope and took out the only letter. It was folded in threes. I opened it to see a drawing of a few balloons. The writing was nice too. The letter read:

"Happy 13th birthday. Your journey has just begun. Expect the unexpected."

I stared dumbfoundedly at it. It was very short and a bit confusing. I didn't really expect it to be this weird. I was hoping something more welcoming, maybe with a bit of money attached to it. I instantly got goosebumps and a very weird feeling. My journey has just begun? I thought about that line. It was something that I really didn't understand. First I'm having this weird darkness dream with scary figures. And now this letter? I was completely spooked. What if this is a threat? I instantly scanned my surroundings to see any suspicious activity. I should probably hurry to school. I ran the rest of the way over there in fear.

》At School 《

Naomi was in class already, which was good since I was wanting some reassurance. Plus I was hoping she would be safe. The letter and dreams really have me spooked. "Happy birthday Sora-chan." She smiled and handed me the gift, I didn't realize it when I walked in. It was in pink wrapping paper tied with a light blue ribbon. It wasn't a big box so it was something small. Even better. I didn't like big gifts since I would have to take it home. I accepted the gift with a bright smile.

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