"How're we going to find who's doing this?" Scott asks looking at Derek for answers

He shrugs "I don't know, that's why I called all of you here, so we can come up with a plan"

"I can try and hack into the scumbags phone" Danny offers

"I can help him" Lydia adds

"I still vote with Erica on finding this son of a bitch and killing them!" Peter snarls

"We don't know anything about who or what this person is yet. I say we try and figure out who this person is, then get together with Deaton and come up with a way of taking them down. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Derek pipes up from the couch

I sit next to him, putting my hand on his knee comfortingly "No one is going to get hurt Der. We can all take care of ourselves, besides you know we'd all do whatever it takes to protect you and the baby, especially me. We are a pack after all"

"Bilinski is right" Peter chuckles after pronouncing my name wrong once again "We'd all die if it meant protecting a pack member"

"Aiden and I will do a patrol around the house all night while the rest of you stay here for the night if that would make you feel more at ease" Aiden suggests

Derek nods from beside me "Aiden and Ethan will take the first shift, followed by Erica and Lydia, then Scott and Isaac and finally Allison, Peter and Danny"

"B-But can I swi-" Lydia starts

"No. No one is switching with anyone, got it?" Derek glares at all of us seriously

"What about me? What do you want me to do?"  ask him

"I told you before, I don't want you doing anything that could get you hurt or worse. So while everyone else is out patrolling you're going to stay in here with me" he tells me matter of factly

"Fiiine" I sigh, giving up before an argument ensues "What about at school? Someone has to keep an eye on you there as well"

"I've already arranged to have you and two other members of the pack in each of Derek's classes" Peter tells us

I nod "Okay, well it's settled, everyone will take shifts for patrol around the house, and then myself plus two more of us will be in each one of Derek's classes, and when we have an idea who this person is we'll meet with Deaton and come up with a definite plan to take this son of a bitch down"

Everyone hums in agreement, and Ethan and Aiden go out to start the first patrol and I walk to the kitchen to make food for everyone


The next morning everyone wakes up and there is evident tension in the air. I get out of bed and start getting ready for the day ahead, Derek lazes around in bed

"Are you sure you should be going to school today? What if the person threatening you makes a move on you and you or the baby gets hurt?" I ask him scared

He smiles warmly at me "I'm going to be fine Sti. Besides, I'm going to have you plus two other pack members in each of my classes. If anyone tries anything I'll have you and the others to come to my defence, I'm not going anywhere for a very long time"

I sigh "If you say so, doesn't mean I'm not going to worry about you all day. Now get up and get ready, before we're late"

He slowly gets up, the blanket slipping down his body as he moves, exposing his tiny forming belly "I'm up, I'm up"

I giggle looking at his belly "It's so cute!"

"Stiles. Stop it" he groans

"I think daddy's cranky this morning don't you munchkin?" I chuckle rubbing his belly, talking to the baby

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