Chapter Fifteen: Shot.

Start from the beginning

The ambush is not going to plan. The ambush is definitely not going to plan. 

They'd chosen after practice to ambush Hinata as there's a brief period between him changing and then going to meet Girl #1. They were going to pull him to one side, calmly ask him what's going through his head and explain that they feel he should stop 'dating' Girl #1. Then, Kageyama was going to ask him if this was because of what happened over the long weekend and inform him that it doesn't matter if he doesn't know how he feels about all that. That was the plan.

Thing is, Hinata can be a rather speedy dresser when he puts his mind to it and he'd chosen to day to not take a lifetime to change. Kageyama was only just pulling on his trousers when Hinata bid them all a farewell and left the changing room. 

Kageyama nearly falls on his face as he rushes to dress and chase after the orange haired midget. It's like Hinata knew and was going out of his way to make things difficult. It had sounded so simple and easy when Kageyama and Sayuri planned this in the park. 

The ambush is not going to plan. 

No sign of Girl #1, good. No sign of Sayuri, really not good.  

It's up to me, then. 

Kageyama continues to sprint towards Hinata, who is yet unaware of Kageyama chasing him. That soon changes when Kageyama tackles him to the ground which was really, really not part of the plan. He needs to abandon that plan. The actions, at least. He still has the words and he's praying that may just be enough to get through to his friend. 

They both grunt in pain as they slam into the ground. Kageyama regrets not trying to call out first. 

"We- We need to talk, dumbass!" Kageyama wheezes, his arms locked around Hinata to prevent him from escaping. 

The ambush is so not going to plan. No, forget the plan. Focus.

He'll just have to hope all the things he's planned to say will have an effect despite the fact he's attacked Hinata and is currently pinning him to the floor. 

Hinata had been recovering from the fall but once he hears Kageyama speaks the struggle begins. He squirm and grasps at the ground in an attempt to pull himself out from under the other boy. Apparently the fact it's Kageyama makes him ten times more desperate to get away. Kageyama doesn't let himself think about the implications of that right now.

"Kageyama, what the hell are you doing?" He yells. 

Kageyama takes a deep breath and loosens his grip slightly. God, he hopes this works and Hinata doesn't run off. They may not get another chance to talk to him and have it be effective. This feels like an all or nothing moments. Kill or be killed. Win or lose. Succeed or fail.

"I... I want to talk. Please." He almost winces as he breathes out the last word. He doesn't want to beg Hinata to listen but he might have to and... and he will if it means things going back to normal. 

Hinata turns his head so he can look at Kageyama as best he can from this position. "What? No! Let m-"

"Please!" Kageyama says again, staring down at Hinata. 

Hinata hesitates but Kageyama sees the exact moment that he decides to listen. His eyes change, losing a bit of the hostility they held. Not to mention that his whole body relaxes. Well, relaxing may not be the best way to describe it. More... giving up fighting. 

"Don't run." Kageyama instructs, but even to himself it sounds more like a plea. 

He knows he'll hate himself acting so pathetic later but he can cross that bridge when he comes to it.

Kageyama then stands up, releasing Hinata. He then offers his hand to Hinata, wanting to help him off the ground. Hinata stares at the hand before pointedly ignoring it and standing on his own. 

Kageyama swallows and straightens, lowering his hand. Again, he doesn't let himself think over the meaning behind Hinata's actions right now. 

"Why are you doing this?" Kageyama asks, voice quiet. 

"Doing what?" Hinata replies, not meeting his eyes.

Kageyama grinds his teeth at that. The dumbass! "Stop playing dumb. You know what I mean. Why are you avoiding us? Why are you hanging around with that girl that was so horrible to Sayuri?"

Hinata's eyes remain on the floor. "That's none of your business, Kage--"

"Yes, it is!" Kageyama cuts him off. "It is my business. I'm one of the friends you're hurting by doing this!" He yells, chest heaving after from the anger boiling up with him.

Hinata's neck snaps up and he stares at Kageyama with wide eyes. He looks like he's realising something. "I..." He swallows. "No one needs to feel hurt, I'm not trying to hurt anyone." 

Kageyama isn't sure if he's imagining it or not but it sounds like there's an unsaid "especially you" on the end of that.

"But you are hurting people. You're hurting Sayuri and you're hurting me. And you're going to hurt Girl #1 when you stop this because I know you don't want her this way. You never said so or showed it but I know that you hated the way she treated Sayuri. Why are you doing this? To figure out if... if you want m- To figure out what you want?"

Kageyama isn't talking about himself or his emotions much but he feels like he's showing a completely different, emotional side of himself right now. He's yelling at Hinata, letting his anger and sadness show through his tone. He's got no power over it, he needs to get this out. 

Hinata just continues to stare. 

Kageyama waits. Nothing. Hinata doesn't do or say a thing. 

"Dumbass! Tell me what's going on in your head!" Kageyama demands, growling angrily as he grabs Hinata by the front of his shirt and shakes him like that might force some sense into his dumb brain. 

Hinata reacts almost immediately, grabbing Kageyama's shirt as well and just yelling in frustration before he forms words. "Let go!" 

"No! I want an explanation, Hinata!" 

They continue to violently shake each other and yell, magically attracting no attention. They shout and scream, most of it the exact same thing. 

It's wearing Kageyama out. He just wants things to be normal again. He wants the calm he felt when they were inside that cave. Like nothing really mattered expect that single moment. Kageyama wants more moments like that, even if those moments were purely friendly. 

Kageyama's shaking of Hinata slows before stopping, his hands sliding off of Hinata as he bows his head. He's done arguing.

"I want things to go back to normal. I need you to go back to being my friend..." Kageyama says quietly. "I-"

"I don't need or want you, Kageyama!" Hinata yells, glaring up at the other before he releases Kageyama's shirt, turns on his heel and storms off towards the bike shed. 

Kageyama stares after Hinata, struck speechless. Hinata doesn't want a thing to do with him... Even after he's practically poured his heart out to him. He puts a hand over his heart, gripping the shirt as hard as Hinata just had. What is this?

What is this feeling in his chest? 

It feels like he's been shot.

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