Chapter 28: The package

Start from the beginning

"We won't." The little girl said.

I looked over to the numerous books that were still on the pile then back to the two.

"My name may not be Mr Loki Heart," I lied. "But I sure can use some runners to put some books away."

Their faces brightened up.

"We would love to!" The little boy said.

I handed five books to each child.

"Put them in the correct shelf on the right category." I said.

"Yes, Merlin!" The little girls said, to which she learned a glare. "I meant Mr Heart."

"Now go on." I said.


. . . June 1st. . . 2011. .

. . . Chicago, Illinois. . .8:00 PM. . .

I walked out of the elevator with that pesky small white dog tailing after me.

"Shoo," I said, trying to dismiss the animal. I had stopped two feet away from the elevator. "Go back in the elevator."

The dog tilted his furry white head at me then looked back at the door and then to me.

I heard the elevator go 'ding!'

"I am in no position to take in a dog." I said.

The white dog, who had a pink collar, whined.

"I am not the man you should 'tag along'." I said.

The dog got in my way with big pleading eyes.

"Stubborn animal." I said.

I sighed.

"Fine, you may follow me," I said. "But I will find your owner and you will be returned!"

The dog nudged against my back using his own back.

"This dog must think it is a cat." I said.

The dog nodded.

"What is your name, fool?" I said, kneeling down to the dog.

I lifted up the yellow dog tag to see it read 'Spot'. I looked at the white fluffy dog who didn't have any spots all over his body. If he were a dalmatian then the name wouldn't matter to me. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I stood up. I could not necessarily change a entire dog's design without permission from the owner. I stood up taking my hand off my nose then went forward to my door. At my door I can see a wrapped up brown box with red ribbon around it. I quickly went over to the box then stopped and picked it up.

Spot barked hopping up and down as I fiddle the keys out of my pocket while keeping the package in one arm.

"One thing at a time, Spot!" I said.

People wonder why I might take in a random dog for a day when for all I knew their owners was neglectant. I don't know how the dog followed me into the elevator. He sure did not have a leash. I also never seen him before in the apartment complex. I injected the key into the keyhole, turned the knob, then push the door forwards. I opened the door completely then went into the flat over to the table across from the kitchen. I put the package on the table. I used magic to close the door and lock it too. I put the keys into my jean pocket then take off my coat and put it on the coat hangar.

I sat at the table hearing Spot barking.

I take out a few rounded treats, in a handful, then drop them down to the floor, for Spot.

"Excuse me," I said. "But I have a very important task to do."

I ripped open the box, tore the sides to the box off, and there in numerous viles could I see a unique substance. There were fourteen viles in all. I took one vile out of the box then held it up using my index finger and my thumb. I stared at the free floating bubbles circulating up to the top where the sample had ended. The Borg DNA sample in my grasp. I could dump it into the sink and let it infect the water life but then again I didn't want to do that. Instead I wanted to save others from this fate.

I heard knocking at the door.

I placed the vile on the table then unlocked the door and opened it.

"Yes?" I said, seeing two men at the door.

"Did you see a man with bloody hands be chased by a Pomeranian with a pink collar?" The first man asked.

"Oh, you mean Spot?" I said, earning concerned looks. "He is here." I turned toward the direction of Spot. "Spot, come here bo--" I stopped mid-way that the dog had mysteriously vanished. "Well. . ." I turned in the direction of the men. "That is odd. He was just here."

"Sir?" The first man said.

"The dog is dead." The second man said.

I then remembered Spot with his owner shortly after moving into the flat. His owner was a nice old man. The owner noted his pet would only do that if he wanted attention from from someone. I begrudgeningly had to pet the dog because it kept coming forward trying to rub against my leg and then pat the side of the dog which made Spot shut up. Spot had his tongue hanging halfway out at the time.

"Oh. . ." I said. "I didn't know." I shook my head. "I didn't see it."

It occurred to me that I let in a ghost into my flat.

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