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My mind went blank.

"You're what?"

"I'm pregnant," she told me again.

"Oh my god,  but that's great! Congratulations!" I told her, but she only grimaced.

"It's not a good thing."

"It's Ted's right?" I asked her as soon as she said that and she nodded, so I calmed down a bit.

"This baby will ruin us both," she looked about to cry.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Well, I don't exactly know, but I'm getting symptoms of pregnancy. I can't go to St. Mundo's, because they'll tell my parents and I'll be a disgrace. I don't know what to do, and I know I can trust you and I don't know."

I thought for a moment. I could ask Lily, but I don't know how she would react. No way in hell could I tell Sirius and James couldn't help even if I told him because he would say go to St. Mundo's, and then tell Sirius. The only other person I could tell is......

"We can get help from Remus," I told her and she looked hesitant. 

I looked at my watch, we had five minutes to get to class.

"Hear me out really quick, he can help is, he's a half-blood, he'll know where we could go for help in the Muggle world, I can't tell anyone else they would tell the whole school and wreck you and Ted's reputations, plus your family would disown you. Meet me in my room at ten tonight. I'll tell Remus to come too, but getting him in the dorms will be harder. Now come on, we have to get to class." I hugged her tight.

"I will help your through this okay?"

"Okay," was all she said and we walked out of the abandoned classroom.

I hurried down the hall towards the Potions classroom, just as Lily  walked through the door, I snuck up behind her.

"boo!" I grabbed her shoulders and she jumped.

I had to clutch my stomach I was laughing so hard.

"Kelsey!" Lily hit me with her book bag.

"Don't do that again!" Lily said for every hit. 

It didn't hurt, I wiped under my eye because I started to cry from laughing.

"Ladies, please take your seats." Professor Slughorn told us. 

His gaze lingered on me and I think it was because of the task Dumbledore has given Remus and I. He hasn't asked me back into his office for a while now and I was started to get anxious. I needed to know more, I had to keep reminding myself to actually talk to Remus about this soon.

"Today, you will be making potions given to each pair of you." Professor Slughorn grabbed a basket from his desk and started to walk around the room.

I watched as people pulled little papers with their potions out of the basket and he finally got to Remus and me.

"Miss Clearwater." he held the basket out to me and I stuck my hand inside and pulled out a paper with the potion Remus and I will be making.

"What's it say?" Remus asked me once Professor Slughorn walked away.

"Draught of Living Death." I read it to him and he started to look through the Potions book to find the recipe.

"Okay here it is, we're going to need a bunch of ingredients. How about you get those and I'll get our supplies?" he asked.

Moonlit Snake // R.L. Marauder's Eraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें