Christmas Time is Here

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The pack are Charlie Brown characters. Scott is charlie, Stiles is his little sister, Derek is Linus. 

Scott sighs as he walks out of his house and he toddles down the pathway to his house where he look around for his best friend that lives down the road from him, and he sighs to himself when he waits for him. "Scott, what are you doing here?" Laura asks, huffing as she looks at the boy in front of her. "Derek! Your idiot friend is here!" Laura says, getting his jacket. Derek runs towards the door, his blue blanket on his shoulder, and he gets his jacket. "Don't forget your hat." Laura says, she thinks that she's an adult but she's only nine compared to Derek and Scott's seven. "I'm going to see Boyd and he's going to play me beautiful music." Laura sings, getting her scarf as she leaves.

Scott waves at her while he waits for Derek, and he looks at the snow as it starts to fall. "Are you ready for the play?" Scott asks Derek as they walk, and he turns to look at him. Derek nods his head as he sucks on his thumb as they walk, and he looks around to watch his sister walk off towards Boyd's house. "I sent the little red haired girl a gift in mail. She hasn't opened it yet, and I hope that she likes it." Scott says, and Derek nods his head. "I think that the holidays are getting out of hand." Scott says, and Derek nods his head in agreement. "Stiles can't figure how what he wants to get for Christmas, his list is almost three pages." Scott sighs, and Derek smiles.

"I think that I'm going to ask for a bike. Laura got a bike when she was my age. I'm a big boy so I need a big boy bike." Derek says, and Scott nods his head as they walk towards the playground to skate. "Oh, no. It's your little brother." Derek says, and Scott smiles at him. His little brother, they're only fifteen months apart, has a huge crush on Derek and always wants to hang out with them. "I'm going to skate." Derek says, hoping to get away from him.

"Oh, big brother. Oh, my sweet baboo!"Stiles sings, walking over to them as he holds onto his mittens that he's not wearing which their mother would be upset about. "I've got my skates on too! Maybe someone could help me skate around." Stiles says, blinking flirtatiously at Derek while he doesn't say anything to him. Stiles slips on his skates and he glides out to the ice rink while Derek waits for him, not wanting his best friend's little brother to fall down on the ice, and Scott watches them since he can't skate without hurting himself.

Stiles skates out towards Derek, holding his hand out towards him, and Derek sighs as he takes his hand. Stiles' chubby hands hold onto him while he laughs as he looks at him, and Derek ends up giggling. "Oh, Derek. Be careful." Laura says, skating by them with Boyd who doesn't look impressed with her at all which makes Derek laugh. Stiles leans against him before he slips, and he lands on his bottom which makes Derek giggle until he sees Stiles' eyes water.

"Oh, Stiles. Don't cry." Derek tells him, helping him up to his feet. "Are you okay?" Derek asks him, and Stiles nods his head as he looks at him. Derek sighs as he wraps his blanket around him, and Stiles smiles at him while he wipes at his eyes. "Do you want to help me and Scott decorate for the Christmas play?" Derek asks him, hoping to cheer him up so he doesn't get upset. Stiles smiles at him widely while he nods his head, and Derek takes his hand to lead to him to the park to get Scott.


"Oh, my sweet Derry! Where does this go?" Stiles asks, and Derek looks over at him. The rest of the kids are dancing around while Boyd plays the piano, Derek's sister is perched on the instrument,and he sighs as he looks over at him. Stiles is holding a piece of stage prop that is way to large for his small frame, and Derek goes to take it from him. "It's heavy!" Stiles says, and Derek nods as he puffs out of chest to make himself look bigger. "Do you want me to go make sure that Scott gets a good tree?" Stiles asks, and Derek shakes his head.

"No, I told him that I would watch you." Derek tells him, like he's way older than him. Stiles smiles at him while he nods his head and he takes his hand, Derek looks down at it for a second, and he goes to listen to the music while Scott brings in the tree. Everyone moves to go decorate, Stiles checks the time and he realizes that he has to be home soon, and he tugs on Derek's hand to make him look at him.

"Walk me home?" Stiles asks him, and Derek nods his head as he looks around for Scott. Stiles looks around and he sees his mommy in the audience waiting for him and Scott, and he waves at her while he goes to get Scott to go with them. "Is your mama here? I could walk you home!" Stiles says, smiling at him. He's missing a few teeth and Derek thinks it's cute. "Mommy!" Stiles says, running towards her while he drags Derek along with him. "Mommy, this is Derek. We're going to get married and have dogs!" Stiles says, and Derek blushes as he looks at her and he holds his blanket in his arms. Stiles' mother smiles at them while she kisses her son's head and she goes to get Scott while Stiles turns towards Derek. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Stiles asks him, and Derek nods his head.

"Come on, Stiles!" His mother yells, smiling at him while Stiles looks at her. Stiles nods his head as he goes with her and he turns his head to kiss Derek's cheek before he runs off. Derek blushes as he watches him go, his hand tightening around his blanket, and he walks over to where his mother was waiting for him and his sister.

"Did you have fun, Derek?" Talia asks him, and Derek's dad picks him up. Derek nods his head while he thinks about to get Stiles for Christmas, and he blushes when his father starts to tease him about Stiles. 

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