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Ok so i went to Ed Sheeran last night and i was mosh and during like the 3rd last song the bitch in front of me pushed me over and i fell backwards and the people behind me thought i fainted and so did the security and i was like no some fake bitch pushed me and she laughed when it happened and i just want to punch her but i didn't want to get kicked out.

Calum and Luke were at the Airport as Calum had to leave again and go on shows and do interviews, Michael and Ashton caught a plane the day before Aaron was standing back with Chad as Luke said goodbye one last time.

Luke and Calum were both crying but they knew it would happen and they both knew it would get harder the more Calum had to leave, Luke never took the time he spent with Calum for granted and either did Calum.

Luke hugged Calum one last time then walked back to Aaron while Calum went though security to go to his terminal, Calum could text Luke for 2 hour as his flight didn't leave for that time but he had to go through security and get his passport stamped which he enjoys looking at all his stamps.

Luke and Aaron walked with Aaron back to the Car while Chad was up ahead going to pay for their parking ticket Luke pulled his beanie further down on his head cover all of his hair and put his sunglasses back on before he got into the backseat of the car since Aaron was driving and Chad of course got shotgun as he was dating Aaron.

Luke pulled his phone out playing games and following fans on twitter he likes the fans that followed him and didn't hate on him he treated them like they were his friend and they did the same, Luke was in a group dm with fans and they were chatting.

Luke didn't get to chat with the fans in the dm when he was hanging out with Calum as he wanted to spend as much time with the boy before he left again and Luke knew Calum was going to be gone for almost a year without coming back home and he's scared Calum will forget him.


When the 3 boys got back to Aaron's house, Luke hoped out of the car and waked back to his so he could have dinner with his mum and dad, his brothers were back home so he was excited to see them again as they hardly visit anymore.

Luke pulled his skirt down a bit and pulled the ends of his jumper of his hands then opened up the door and walked in and sat down to take his shoes of, he lined his shoes up against the wall and walked into the kitchen were all of his family was.

Luke walked up to his brothers and hugged him before sitting down in his seat and started to eat, "So Luke house you boyfriend" Luke looked up and blushed when Jack asked that, Luke wasn't dating Calum but almost everyone thought they were when they aren't.

"I don't have one Jack" Luke quietly said but loud enough for everyone at the table to hear, Luke quickly finished up his food and took his plate to the sink and washed it then went into the lounge room to watch some shitty Christmas movies knowing his family will join in later.


Calum was on the plane playing his phone while eating the food the plane supplied, he didn't mind it as he was used to eating the food from all the traveling he does, he did have internet on the plane which made him more bored but the plane had personal tvs so he could play games and watch movies or tv series on the that.

He watched a movie he had seen a lot but he likes it so he didn't mind watching again, he wanted to do something that would stop him from being bored as it was a long flight and he didn't want to be sitting in his seat looking outside the window as he waited and waited.


Short update im sorry but i don't know if Luke will ask Calum or if Calum should ask Luke help please!!?!??!

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