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Scarlett's POV

Watching this monster try to take control I knew there had to be something I had to do. Deciding to take matters into my own hands I put my well Anne's body between this demon and Tyler. I knew how much they meant to her and there was no way I was going to let them get hurt.

"Ah, angel I didn't think you'd be able to come between a deal. After all your poor family fell victim to my wrath." the evil thing cackles in my face.

Using the last bit of my power I push Tyler to Jack and am able to make a weak force field around them. It should be able to hold off long enough until Lee sits this place on fire. This of course just earns more laughs from the being before me. I could sense he well whatever it was wasn't going to take it easy on me.

"Oh hun, you think you have more power than I do? Did you forget all the spirits here that give me my power?" the collector yells at me as it hits me backwards right into the stairs.

"ANNE!" both Tyler and Jack call out to me.

I forgot how bad it hurt to be thrown into something in a mortal body. Needless to say it hurt like hell. I stagger to sit up and watch as the thing comes my way again. Sighing I try to stand as I look over and see Katie and her mother looking at me. I couldn't let Anne down. So many of her family had already died. Still I also knew I couldn't win if I fought him in a mortal body. I had to think of a way that I could get him and I out of these bodies as gross as that sounds.

"Did you fall? Here let me help you up." it tells me grabbing me by the throat and holding me up.

Tyler and Jack bang as hard as they can against the force field but it wont come down. Thank god I did one thing right. Anne would never forgive me if anything happened to those two. Looking right into the demons cold, dark, empty eyes my head comes up with a plan. Pushing myself out of Anne's body and right through the collectors I manage to push the demon out of his body.

I hear Anne's body fall to the ground as I watch the demon try to compose itself. Everyone can see us so now they know the true form of this devil. Nothing but a black mass in the shape of a body. The vessel it was once using falls to the ground as well and surprisingly the male still has a heart beat that I can hear.

"You b*tch, is that all you can do?" it asks me.

Standing up in my true form I am ready to take down this demon no matter what I had to do. I may not be mortal anymore but even in my day we had horrible demons. Still this thing was drawing power from all the souls it had collected over the years.

"Smoke?" I hear Jack question.

A smile comes to my face. Lee did was he was supposed to and if I can just hold this thing off long enough the souls will be free and it will have no power to draw from. This is when I release the force field and Jack and Tyler run right to Anne as she barely opens her eyes and no doubt is in shock at the sight before her.

"Get out of here!" I yell to them. "No matter how just get the hell out you and take this idiot with you!"

Anne is still in shock as Jack holds her, Tyler helps the man that was once the vessel of the collector up as they stagger to the door. I can hear Lee yelling from the other side. Once they got out this would be an all out battle between good and evil. Jack kicks the door open and being careful not to fall into the hole in front of the door, Tyler hands the other man to Lee who grabs him and sits him outside.

"The party ain't over!" the black thing calls out.

"Get Anne out of here!" Katie calls out as loud as she can.

Reluctantly Jack hands Anne to Lee who grabs her and holds her close as she looks back my way. This was the last time I would see her. I can see the tears in her eyes as the dark figure tries to move forward but I grab onto it and hold it inside.

"Scarlett!" Anne yells out to me. "Don't do this!"

"Don't worry kid, you have a life to live." I tell her with a sad smile.

Jack and Tyler jump out of the doors and look back to me as well. The dark figure is putting up one hell of a fight but now that everyone was out and safe and the place was starting to burn to the ground I knew that this battle wouldn't end easily.

"Katie round up the other good souls. Together we can take him down." I tell the child.

She nods and disappears as the figure tries to throw me over it but I hold strong, if I can do this I will be able to use the energy of the good spirits that still remain even after the place has burnt to the ground which I would say isn't to far away.

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