Chapter 6

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"Mel I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you" Jay said on the verge of tears. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital room. I tried to sit up but my head was banging. Felt like I was weighing a ton of bricks on my head.

"Mel don't move until the doctor comes, just sit back and relax ok?" he said as a tear fell down his face

"Why are you crying?" I asked. My voice was dry and hoarse but I was able to speak "Shouldn't you be saying I told you so? Look at me Jay, he beat my ass!!" I yelled out in anger and hurt. Tears were streaming down my face and I just let them fall

"Melanie, calm down. I'm not going to let him away with shit. Trust me he gone get his, but for now focus on you and getting better so you can get the hell out this hospital. I know you stand them" he said with a smile

"Jay I'm sorry for trading you out for Raheem I was stupid I actually thought he loved me and-"

"Sssh Melanie" he said cutting me off "Forget about it, that was in the past I forgive you" he said kissing my forehead making me smile.

The door flew open and Tyrone walked in with the doctor behind him.

"Look who's awake" she said with a smile. She was a pretty white lady with long blond hair. "I was afraid you weren't going to make it. How are you feeling?" she asked me

"Well my head is banging, my side hurts like hell and I feel to sore to even get up and move" I said being honest with her. I was in so much pain it wasn't even funny.

"Okay thats normal for the injures you have. I will be prescribing you some pain medication that will ease the pain. Now Ms. Davis you did know you were pregnant right?" she asked shocking the hell out of Jay and Tyrone

"Mel, you were pregnant?" Jay asked looking at me. I ignored his question and looked back up at the doctor.

"Wait what do you mean were?" I asked her hoping she wasn't telling me what I thought she was telling me

"Ms. Davis I'm sorry but you lost the baby" she informed me looking sincere. She said some other stuff after that but I blocked it out. I lost my child, he took my child away from me.

"How far along was I?" I asked her

"About one month along" she told me "I'm going to give you some time alone, and I'll be back in about 15 minutes ok?"

I ignored her and watched her leave out the room. God gave me a gift and just like that he took it away from me. I know I said I didn't want to be a mother but at the end of the day I didn't want to loose my child not like this.

"Melanie are you ok?" Tyrone asked me

"No I'm not" I said bluntly

"Talk to us Mel, I understand how you feel. Just let me in" he pleaded with me

"You understand how I feel?" I asked with a dry laugh "You don't know how it feels to have something you loved tooken away from you. That nigga beat my ass Jay! And he left me for dead. Not giving a fuck as to what happened to me. Did you know he kicked me? Right in my stomach he killed my baby, now I'm laid up in this hospital bed with three broken ribs, busted up lip, bruises every where and a damn concussion!" And it's  nobodies fault but mine, I just should've listen to you" I said crying hard. I'm soooooo DONE. This is it forreal, I've finally reached my breaking point with Raheem. There's only so much I can take

"Melanie listen to me. Imma be there for you no matter what. We've been down for each other since we were kids. Fuck that nigga. I know your hurting right now and I wish I could take the pain away but I can't. I can only be here for you. Just keep your head up baby girl, everything will be alright" he told me

"Little bit" Tyrone said looking at me "If you want me too, I can have this nigga oxygen line cut off tonight. Its up to you" he told me

"Thanks Tyrone, but this one's on me" I said wiping away my tears. I'm tired of being the nice sweet push over Melanie. Not anymore. Wait till I get out this hospital, I'm coming for Raheems ass. Imma put him through hell like he did me. After all paybacks a bitch.

See y'all thought Melanie was a punk bitch? Naww lmao. She bout to switch the game up. Just wait and see. READ, VOTE, AND COMMENT. :)


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