0.2 Meet and Greet

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Wesley admitted he'd taken to visiting Walmart a lot more, hoping to see her. No such luck for the past two days, but the third he got lucky.

She appeared again, alone this time, and seemed to be shopping. She had a grocery list and had on a serious look on her face as she looked back between it and the shelves.

Feeling a small smile cross his face, Wesley crossed the distance and stopped right next to her.

"I don't suppose you might need some help?"

She was startled, he could see. She was looking at him warily now. Still, he wasn't fazed. He held out his hand and kept smiling, trying to keep an air of friendliness up.

"James Wesley, pleased to meet you," he introduced himself.

"Harry Potter," she warily introduced herself.

"I'm sorry for just coming out of nowhere," Wesley apologized, though he was still very delighted at having caught her and finally meeting her. "I saw you the other day, though you were shopping with your family. I wanted to talk to you."

"Why?" she asked shortly.

Ah. He was probably coming on too strong.

He held up the new pack of Oreos. "I was wondering if you like Oreos?"

Harry stared at him bemusedly.

An Oreo Crust Crumbling [Harry PotterxDaredevil Crossover Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now