Chapter 16 - Answers

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"We've been going in circles for the past hour, are you sure you know where you're going?" Baylee asked. Tessa ignored her and kept flying ahead. "I don't understand. This is the way we got to the Castle." August said plopping down on a tree stump. All seven of them were trying to find the Lake of Tears with absolutely no luck. "Are you sure this is the way? Maybe you came the other way and you got confused." Baylee said. August shook his head and then buried it in his hands. Sarah sat down right where she was standing and laid her baby across her legs. "Jeez, you're heavy." She said to it. Everyone else sat down as well. "We're not lost are we?" Wiley asked. August looked up and then around at the trees. "No, we're not lost I know where we are, I just don't understand why we haven't found the lake yet." August said. Tessa fluttered back over to them and then the next thing they all knew, she had fallen on her face. "Ugh, I'm never gonna get used to all this flying." She said. Peyton laughed and held out his hand to help her up. "I don't think I ever will either." He said pulling Tessa to her feet. She mumbled a thanks and then turned away from him facing August almost hitting Peyton in the face with one of her wings. Peyton ducked away just in time. "Dude, why can't we find it? This is ridiculous." She exclaimed. August shrugged his shoulders. "I don't kn-"
"Wait, did you guys here that?" Wiley asked jumping to his feet and looking around the wooded area they were in. The others looked at Wiley. " What did you hear?" Casey asked. Wiley sniffed at the air and twitched his ear a bit to the right, then all of a sudden without saying anything to the others he ran back through the trees. "Wiley! Wait!" Baylee called running after him. The others quickly behind her. Wiley knew he heard something and he smelled it now. He could smell the bread. That was one of the perks about being a wolf you could easily find food but Wiley didn't care about the food, even though he was a bit hungry. No, He cared about who had the bread. Wiley burst through a clump of trees and tackled her the ground. The girl screamed and tried to get away from him until she realized who it was. "WILEY!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around his neck. Wiley hugged her back.
"Huh, that's something you wouldn't see everyday. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf hugging and not trying to kill each other." Tessa said putting her hands on her hips. Wiley stood up and then helped Rebecca to her feet as well. "We've been looking everywhere for you guys." Rebecca said hugging Casey. Casey hugged her back. "Well, you found us." Casey said. Rebecca laughed. "Haha, I guess I did." She said.
"Rebecca, where did you go?!" Grace called from somewhere in the trees.
"I'm over here, I found them!" Rebecca called back. Two seconds later Hector, Grace and Beckett stepped into the small clearing. Hector, Grace, August and Tessa ran to each other and hugged while Beckett, Rebecca, Wiley, Casey, Baylee and Peyton had their normal group hug. "So what do we do now?" Hector asked."We do what Holly told us to do. We go back to the lake and she'll tell us everything." Beckett said. Peyton, Wiley, Casey and Baylee exchanged glances. "Holly as in-"
"Yes, as in my Grandmother. She told us to find you guys and go back to her and then she would tell us everything." Rebecca said cutting Baylee off before she could finish.
"There's only one problem with that." August said. Rebecca, Beckett, Hector and Grace looked at him confused. "We can't find the lake, we're on the right path but it's taking us in circles." He explained. Grace put her arm around August's shoulder and hit the air with her other hand. "Forget the path, Beckett and Rebecca discovered these tunnels that lead from right under the castle straight to the lake." Grace said. Baylee looked over at Beckett and Rebecca. "We read about that in the books, but are you sure we're going to be able to find them again?" She asked. Beckett and Rebecca nodded. "Yes." They said at the same time. Baylee raised her eyebrows. "How?" she asked. Rebecca held up her basket. "Bread crumbs." She said.
"Bread crumbs?" Baylee asked taken aback.
"Yeah, we figured that with your flashlight we would be able to find our way back through them." Beckett explained. Baylee nodded catching on. Reaching into the small pocket of her backpack she pulled out the flashlight. "Well, then lead the way." She said. And so they did. Beckett and Rebecca lead the way back to the castle. However, when they got to the castle, Peyton grabbed Rebecca's arm and pulled her back. "Pan. What's wrong?" Rebecca asked.
"Look, remember how before we first found this castle and Sarah told us that man said he wanted one of you three girls? Well, just before we figured out he meant you, and I can't let you get hurt so while we walk through the open part of the castle I want you to stay in between us, alright?" Peyton said. Rebecca opened her mouth to speak but Peyton beat her to it. "Alright?" He asked this time as more of an order. Rebecca took a deep breath. "Fine." She said. Once again they continued throughout the castle, with Rebecca in the middle of everyone like Peyton wanted. When they reached the entrance to the tunnels, Baylee flipped on the flashlight and everyone almost had a heart attack. Nothing was in the tunnel but someone spoke from behind them. "Children really don't listen do they?" Sean asked.
"We're leaving right now, actually." Rebecca said.
"These tunnels don't lead anywhere, Rebecca. I've been down every single one of them as a kid."
"As a kid? And they do lead somewhere. Guess where they lead? To Grandma. Explain that to me, Dad." Rebecca said surprising everyone with the roughness in her voice. Sean stared at Rebecca amazed yet terrified. "Your grandma? You mean, she is alive?" Sean asked. Rebecca huffed and gestured towards the tunnels. "Yes, if you don't believe me just come with us, maybe I can get some answers out of both of you." Rebecca said. Sean just shook his head. "You'll get your answers, young lady. And I will go with you." He said. Rebecca turned away from him. "Come on, let's go." Beckett said leading them all through the tunnels. It looked much different in the light. The walls were made of stone bricks that seemed to sparkle if the light hit them just right. The entire trip through the tunnels back towards the lake no one said a word. That is until they got to the lake. "Whoa." Baylee, Casey, Peyton, Wiley, and Sarah said upon seeing the lake for the first time.
"Wait, we can't go back yet. Max and Abi aren't back." Hector said. Almost as soon as he said it an old man appeared with a redheaded girl and boy right next to Hector. Hector screamed like a girl and everyone looked at him confused. "Merlin?" Sean asked when he saw the old man. Merlin looked up at Sean and stared at him for a moment. "Your majesty, you are back!" Merlin said bowing. Sean looked uncomfortable as everyone looked between him and Merlin. Rebecca was the most confused, however. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your majesty?" Rebecca said sternly towards her father. Now everyone's attention turned to Rebecca. Normally, she would have freaked out and tried to hide, but she was done hiding. All she wanted was some answers. Before her father could answer the Wizard spoke up. "My dear, you have grown into a beautiful young woman." He said. Rebecca looked from Merlin over to her father. "Exactly what I mean. How does everyone know who we are? And don't tell me to wait any longer, I want the truth and I want it now." She said. Someone else had come over during all the commotion.
"Rebecca Matthews. That is no way to talk to your father." Holly said. Now everyone looked at Holly. "Mom?" Sean asked amazed yet shocked.
"Hello, Sean." Holly said. Rebecca walked away from everyone and sat down on the edge of the lake. The other teenagers followed her over. "Rebecca. Are you alright?" Baylee asked kneeling down next to her. Rebecca took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm fine I just hate all this secrecy and no one will tell me anything. But it's not just the adults either, earlier today there was something you guys weren't telling me. Does no one trust me? Because I promise I won't tell anybody." Rebecca said looking around at her friends mainly. Beckett looked away from them. "It's just uh something we're not ready to tell you yet." He said looking anywhere but her eyes.
"Don't worry, Rebecca, He'll tell you when he's ready." Grace said catching on to what they hadn't told her just from Beckett's reaction. Rebecca cracked a smile. "I hope so." Rebecca mumbled so that no one could hear her. "So, uh. I don't believe I've met you four." she continued.
"Oh, I'm August. This is Tessa, Max and Abigail. Also, this is Hector and Grace. You guys didn't really meet before." August said. They all shook hands. A comfortable silence fell between the thirteen of them for a moment. "Ahem." Sean said walking over to the Teens with Merlin and Holly. "Have a seat guys. It's time for you to get your answers." Sean continued sitting down on the grass. The others around him followed his lead and soon they had all formed an enormous circle. "Ask away." Sean said. Everyone expected Rebecca to be the first one to ask a question but it was Casey instead. "Okay, what is this place and why are we suddenly here in the midst of all this chaos?" She asked.
"This place is the fairytale world. The land of all fairytale characters, humans, fairies, mermaids, wolves. All of them. The reason you all are here is simple, you were all born here Who you are now is who you truly are." Holly explained. Casey and the others stared at Holly mouths hanging open.
"Alright, I guess that kind of makes sense but if we're from here why did we leave in the first place?" Abigail, the red headed girl asked. Holly sighed deeply and glanced over at Sean and then both of them looked right at Rebecca. "Rebecca is actually part of the reason we left in the first place." Sean said. Rebecca held up her hands and looked taken aback. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm the reason for all of this?" She asked.
"Well, no. But Timothy thought you were to blame for Jaqueli- uhh.." Sean cut himself off glancing at his mother who simply nodded, her expression saying 'go on, it's time they know everything'. Before he could begin again though Sarah spoke up finishing it for him. "Timothy blames Rebecca for the death of his daughter because she was kidnapped the same day Rebecca was born, and that's why you left? The three of you," Sarah said gesturing at Sean, Holly and Rebecca. "It was just supposed to be you three but the spell took others with you didn't it?" Sarah finished. Sean, Holly and even Merlin the wizard gaped at Sarah.
"H-how did you know all of that?"
"I overheard some things a customer, who I know now was King Timothy, told the baker, also we uh.." Sarah paused unsure if she should tell them about Randel.
"We met the King. The real king, Randal? I think he said that was his name." Wiley blurted out. Holly gasped, Sean put his hand over his mouth and Merlin fell against a tree. "H-he's alive?" Holly asked in a quiet voice. Wiley nodded and Casey punched him in the shoulder. Wiley yelped and rubbed his shoulder. "He told us not to tell anyone we met him." Casey said.
"Not to tell anyone EXCEPT our friends, and look our friends are here aren't they?" Wiley said. Casey rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Wiley."
"So, wait. What does any of this have to do with Rebecca? This can't all be her fault." Grace said putting her hand on Rebecca's shoulder but looking at Holly and Sean. After a moment's pause from getting over the shock Randel is still alive, Sean continued explaining. "It's not Rebecca's fault at all. Timothy just blames her because it all happened the same day. His reasoning is that if she had never been born Jaqueline would never have been kidnapped and Reanna would still be alive. I told him he was being ridiculous and we didn't see him again until later that night and he seemed different-"
"We thought he had killed Randel and we asked Merlin to cast a spell to take us somewhere safe. The spell worked a little too well and everyone that could have been harmed by Timothy was brought to the safe place or in other words earth." Holly finished for him.
"Did the spell just wear off or something?" Tessa asked.
"That's what has me so confused. The spell was supposed to be permanent but you all are here so obviously someone cast a counterspell to bring everyone back." Merlin said.
"Counterspell? Who would have cast a counterspell to bring someone back from a different world?" Peyton asked. Baylee gasped finally putting everything together. "Timothy would have. Maybe it wasn't us he was trying to bring back!" Baylee exclaimed.
"Uh..sorry I'm not following you here, Bay." Peyton said with the same confused expression as everyone else. Baylee laughed to herself. "On the table, before we discovered the secret room there was a bunch of papers spread out all across that desk. Most of them were just random notes and invitations to balls, which by the way reminds me," Baylee said pulling out the paper she had written the details of the ball on out of her backpack. "Anyways, some of those notes did kind of look like spells. I'm not a wizard or anything but I'm pretty sure I know a spell when I see one. Like I said before, what if Timothy didn't intend to bring us back, but someone else instead. Someone like his daughter." Baylee finished. Merlin the wizard pushed himself upright and watched Baylee closely. "My dear, that is an excellent and very possible explanation. I will try and look into this further" He said. Baylee nodded. "Alright, now what's that paper you pulled out?" Holly asked. Baylee handed Holly the paper. "I found an invitation to a ball dated for tonight which I thought was odd. However, when I thought about it I realized our storylines seem to be playing out, so far it seems only Beckett's really has but Rebecca was there, if she hadn't been there just in time the story would have played out like normal and that's where I'm really stumped I don't know if we're supposed to change the stories or if they are supposed to play out as they're supposed to." Baylee explained. Holly looked over the paper a few times before handing it back to Merlin who examined it as well. "I see, and what makes this ball so special?" Holly asked raising an eyebrow. Baylee smirked.
"That ball is scheduled to take place in the very castle in which Casey or Cinderella as some would call her, woke up this morning. Now, again I don't know if we are supposed to let the stories play out or what but I figured either way it's important for Casey to be at that ball no matter what." Baylee said. Casey looked over at Baylee almost terrified. "Do I have to be there?" She asked. Baylee was about to answer but Merlin beat her to it. "Yes, actually you do. Little miss know it all here is correct, you're stories must play out. However, what doesn't add up is the fact that you woke up there." Merlin explained.
"Okay, fine. Say I go to this ball and then what? If we're supposed to change the stories I can't go myself." Casey said.
"True, which is why all of you will attend."
"All of us?" August asked.
"Yes all of you."
"But how are we to get there and what are we going to wear and stuff we can't go to a ball looking like this." Casey said.
"Oh pish-posh. Stand up all of you come on!" He said. They all stood up and followed Merlin and little bit away from the others. From the sleeve of his robe he pulled out a magic wand. "I believe you are already familiar with the rules, by the stroke of midnight the spells shall be broken?" Merlin asked. Everyone nodded and Merlin waved his wand. In an instant all twelve of them were dressed for a ball. Ball gowns, tuxedos, the whole shebang.
"Dude, what did you do to me. I feel like naked without all that hair." Wiley said scratching behind his ear, shivering because he now had no hair covering his body.
"Don't worry it's only a couple of hours, Wolfie." Peyton said clapping Wiley on the back.
"Now, you only have until midnight, like always. You will know what to do once you get there. At the stroke of midnight a portal will open behind the small shed, Casey knows where. The portal will take you back here, understand?" Merlin asked. All of them nodded. Merlin then turned to create the portal to take them to the ball. While he did that the teenagers walked back over to Sean and Holly. "You look really..uncomfortable." Max said to Wiley chuckling.
"You have no idea." Wiley said. Holly and Sean walked over to Rebecca, Baylee and Casey while Beckett, Peyton and Wiley talked to the other seven teenagers. "You look like princesses." Holly said smiling at them. "I remember when you girls got the boys to put on dresses one time. I probably still have that picture somewhere." She continued. The girls giggled. "That was hilarious." Casey said.
"They wouldn't talk to us for like a week after that." Baylee said.
Sean pulled Rebecca a couple steps away from the others. "Rebec-"
"Save it, dad." Rebecca snapped and then she took a deep breath and looked up at her father. "I'm sorry. This is's a lot." She said. Sean nodded. "I know. Which why I wanted to apologize. I should have told you and the others everything, just in case something like this ever happened."Sean said. Rebecca took her dad's hand and looked up at him. "Dad. Really, it''s okay. It'll just take time to get used to that's all." Rebecca said smiling at him. Sean pulled his daughter into a hug. "I love you, sweetheart. And be careful out there, and no boys." Sean warned. Rebecca laughed for the first time in a while. "I wouldn't dream of it." She said. Sean smiled and gently pushed her towards her friends. "Good, now go." He said. Rebecca nodded and ran over to the others. Baylee and Casey had joined them as well. "Well, have fun you guys. We'll be here when you get back..hopefully." Sarah said.
"Yeah, hopefully." Peyton laughed. Hector cracked a goofy smile. Merlin called for the twelve of them. "Well, wish us luck." Casey said.
"Good Luck." Sarah said hugging them all. The others waved. Beckett, Peyton, Wiley, Rebecca, Baylee and Casey walked over to the portal Merlin had opened for them and they all grabbed hands. "On the count of three everyone jump through like we're in High School Musical" Peyton said.
"Easy for you to say, you weirdo, you're not wearing a ginormous dress" Baylee laughed. Peyton smirked. "It was worth a try. Ready?" He asked. And on the count of three all of them stepped through the portal one after another. 

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