Chapter One - Twelve Hours Before Hand

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Chapter One - Twelve Hours Before Hand.

I never expected this to happen to me. I didn't know it could happen to me. Seriously I'm not joking.

I'm in a dark room, with no light except from the hall which is beaming underneath the cracking of the door. Oh let's not forget the freezing cold temperature of course no clothes on me at all and let's also not forget I'm chained to a king sized bed.

Who and why did this person do this to me, must be a crazy person, or maybe I have no clue what actually happened yet and what's going on.

Suddenly the door creaks open. A tall guy, 6'3, wearing a black ski mask with blue eyes shinning through and black suit walks in with a tray with all sorts of food, which I can smell, making my stomach grumble out loud. He looks upon me, devouring me with his eyes, looking as if he's smirking at a prize he's just won.

Setting the tray on the bedside table next to me, the tall strange muscular man sat beside me, coming closer to my face with his hand in the air ready to stroke my face. Turning my face the other way, but feeling his ever so fingers touching me. Angered by my movement I see the colour of his eyes slowly change from the light blue I saw earlier to now a dark ocean blue.

"Look at me." The mysterious man commanded in a harsh, cold demanding tone, making me look at him slowly. Turning to look at his face, still with the ski mask on, looked relieved and happy at the same time, once again bringing his finger to stroke my face, this time actually touching.

The strange man touching my face looks so into touching my face being happy about it until he got interrupted by my stomach grumbling, growling like a lion. Blushing like mad and him chuckling quietly to himself, since he heard. He looked once more, standing up to retrieve the tray.

Moving the tray of food to the bed with all the dishes I saw earlier. Toast with melted butter, some sort of cereal not sure what, oatmeal, porridge, some fruits as bananas, apples and grapes. I looked upon the mysterious man in questioning.

"Pick ONE you want to eat. I mean ONLY ONE." He commanded, "I will unchain you so that you can eat, but the door will be locked after I leave. Do I make myself clear." The ski masked man threatened me. Me being me all tied up still, (well I can't forget that and naked), nodded my head very quickly making him feel pleased with himself.

He was staring at me for a few minutes, until he was shuffling through his pockets. He came close to my hands which he produced a key to unlock the chains around my hands that connected to the headboard. As doing so he ever so lightly and gently rubbed my sore left wrist, seeing the red marks amongst it, then proceeding to do the same to the right.

He finished removing the chains leaving them to hang on the headboard of the bed, then moving to the tray with the delicious good much closer to me.

All of it looked great, but the one I chose was the melted butter on toast. He looked at me as I chose my food. "I'll be back after you've finished and the plate better be empty or punishment is deserved." Nodding my head understanding, he looked once more. He got up from the bed walking to the door. Once it was open he looked backed smiling evil then whispered, "Soon my little Lucas. Soon." Then proceeded to close the door and lock the door just as he promised.

Looking around the room, whilst finishing the round of toast, since it's all I can eat, being nervous and scared, but not showing it to him. I looked and saw two other doors. Well three being the main bedroom door.

I never knew what sort of room he put me in. Then realising it's similar to mine back home in somewhat little detail. Walking around in a circle I noticed the colour of the carpet being light blue, the walls painted a dark ocean sea blue, a bookshelf with all the books I've read or haven't had time to.

This man knows what he's doing. He's scaring the life out of me being nice one minute then changing this demeanour. He gave me food, but no clothes now that's messed up.

Who is he!? What do I do!? Where am I now!? Why did this happen!? He's probably talked to my friends even my parents. He could be working in the school without me knowing it!

The main dilemma is.

What will happen to me!

Walking back to the bed, slumping down onto it curling into a tight ball under the sheets crying. That's all I could mainly do. He took my life and now he wants me, but what for. My crying started to slow down giving me a headache from all the things I'm thinking.

My eyes started closing, drifting off to sleep thinking of being with family and friends.

"Please be safe everyone." Whispering finally closing off into darkness.

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