Gone Fishin' - Bucky Barnes One Shot

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*Quick note for this one: Bucky's a southern boy in this one shot because being a southern girl at heart I have to write one for him. He strikes me as the type an all that, so, enjoy.~


The eight year old was arguing with his father a fishing pole in one hand and his other balled into a tight fist. His father didn't seem at all phased by the outburst the boy was giving him and simply listened while he watched the little girl walk down his drive.

"Anyone but her, Papa! She'll ruin everything, she always does!" He scowled as soon as the girl was within earshot and hushed his mouth before his dad gave him a firm smack on it to shut it for him.

"Now son, I know you don't want her to come along but she ain't hurtin' no one and plus I can't leave her here alone so she's comin' along whether you like it or not." That was the end of it, he had no choice but he certainly didn't like what his father had said to him.

"Mornin' there missy, how are you doin' today?" He gave you a grin before holding out a fishing pole for you to take, which you happily did not bothering to look at his ill-mannered son.

"Don't mind him, he's just bein' sour so let's head down to the lake and do some fishin'. What'd'ya say?" You nodded and his son, who was a few inches taller than you groaned before following along.

Walking back the way you'd come and out along side the main road, which was mostly empty, you started to hum and twirl around. Happy that you got to go along with them, you had been neighbors for all your life and became like a second child to their family. You loved to hang around their house as often as your were aloud before being called back home for supper. Both you and Buck loved to play together and would occasionally get into small spats so this was nothing strange or new to you and you ignored it. By the end of the day he was apologizing anyways and you were back to being friends and playing together.

"You're gonna want a girl like her some day, boy, I'd know 'cuz I was just like you." He whispered to his son so that only the two of them heard what he had said. Bucky didn't say anything though because all he knew was that this girl, his neighbor and friend ruined his fishing time with his dad. That was a sin in his eyes, he didn't see why she couldn't stay at her house or even spend the day helping his mama make something in the house. Why'd she have to come along?

Three and a half hours and three fish later Bucky was having a blast and forgot all about why he was mad to begin with. Now all he could think about was beating you in the number of fish caught. You had two and he was at one. You were both having a blast together, loving the water and being outside together.

Ten years later, you were both now eighteen and changed significantly. You were taller, long hair and bright eyes. Bucky had grown up as well and it wasn't until now that you realized just how much he'd changed. His hair was short, slicked back and dark but his eyes were baby blue and sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. He was so much taller now, about a foot and a half above you with strong arms that gave you the best hugs.

"Hey, doll! How 'bout we head down to the lake and get some fishin' done?" Bucky threw his arm around your shoulder and you shut your book. You'd been sitting under a great big pine enjoying the cool afternoon air that came around this time of year when he started to get bored.

"Sure, sure. You got get the lines, I'll be waitin' here." You laughed softly placing the old book on the spot where you had been sitting.

"Alright, let's go." He was carrying everything, he insisted even when you pouted and told him you'd be fine he insisted it was his job.

As you two walked you thought about all of the times you two have been through together, school would be over soon and you'd been thinking about college and starting a job as a teacher and he talked about the military. The more you thought about the possibility of him never coming home again broke your heart and made your mouth dry up and your hands get clammy. You weren't sure when it'd happened but you realized that the more time you spent with Bucky the less you could see spending it with anyone else.

You didn't fish much but you watched Bucky reel and cast entranced by him completely. You smiled at the thought of getting your nightly goodbye hug but then frowned because it meant he'd be gone again.

"What's gotcha so caught up in thought?" You hadn't even realized that he'd sat down next to you until you felt his arm around your shoulder. Something that was so small but hurt your heart so much, something that you should be used to but still enjoyed the feeling of.

"School's gonna be over soon, Bucks." You glanced over towards him, you've both talked about the aspect of him leaving before now.

"This about me leavin'?" You nodded and he pulled you close.

"I told you already, as long as you're still 'round I'll come back no matter what. So," he lifted your face up to look into your eyes "please wait for me? Don't cry when I leave 'cause I might and I don't need the guys ridin' me about that!" He gave you his signature crooked grin that you couldn't help but grin back at.

"Fine but, Bucky?"


"I, you'll take me fishin' when you get back right?" He nodded

"Definitely, this very spot." He smiled and it seemed like everything slowed down and before either of you realized it you shared a kiss.

Eight years later, this was it. Bucky was officially leaving with one of his best friends and someone you'd only met a few times. You held a grudge against him but not for something that was his fault, simply because he'd be with Bucky and you couldn't be.

You handed a small piece of paper to Steve and whispered into his ear, "Give it to him when he's lost hope and needs something to remind him to come home, please?" He gave you a smile, tucked the paper away and hugged you tight before leaving you with Bucky.

Never had you imagined that this would be how you said goodbye to him, from the small boy you remembered to the well-dressed man before you. You always pictured growing up just like your parents, in a farm house on the edge of town with a kid of your own but life didn't work out that way. You stood in front of Bucky, hands in his but eyes staring at the ground unable to look up because you knew that you'd be unable to hold back your tears.

"Look at me, please? I wanna see that pretty face before I go." You followed his direction and looked up but just as you predicted you started to cry.

"Baby, oh, I told you not to cry when this day came." He pulled you in for a sudden hug, one that only made you cry harder and grasp onto him.

"How, Buck, please tell me how I'm not suppose to cry when you're leavin'." You said between sobs but he pulled you back to make you face him.

"Just remember, when I get home we're gonna go fishin' like I promised." Giving you one more kiss he left and now you had his dog tags dangling from the rear-view of your car.  

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