Chapter Two

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He opened the car door and grabbed his knapsack. He searched through it for a while. Finally, he pulled it out and handed it to me.

I felt it press into my palm, and it felt like two strips of paper. I glanced down. They looked like airplane tickets. I brought them closer to my face and discovered they were airplane tickets to Ireland. I stared at it.

"We're going to Ireland together!" He yelled. 

I looked down at the tickets again. "What for?" I asked quizically. 

"I'm gonna take you to our hometown and help you get your memory back!" he said excitedly. 

"Oh my god Niall! That's so sweet!" I gasped. "But.."

"But what?" He said, his face falling.

"I don't know if my parents would let me fly halfway across the world with you," I said sadly. 

"Why?" he asked, scratching his head. "You're eighteen now. You've graduated from High School."

"I know, but they said as long as I'm living in their home, I have to follow their rules."

"Well, why don't you live with me then?" Niall said ever so quietly. I stopped, and shivers ran down my spine. 

"Me.. live with you?"

"It's just an idea," he mumbled. "You don't have to if you don't want to..."

"I WOULD LOVE TO!" I shout, jumping on to him and kissing him. 

"Really?!" he exclaimed as he broke away. 

"Hell yes! That would be amazing!" He smiled and kissed me again. We stood there for what seemed like a million years when we heard them calling.

"Jess! Niall! Hurry your butts up!"  Harry screams.

"We better get back to them," I sigh.

He grabs my hand and smiles.


I know this was a short chapter but they're going to Ireland!! And Nialler's such a sweetheart:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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