Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to All Directioners

"Hey Jess! Watch this!" Nat calls to me. We're at the beach with One Direction (!), Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie. Nat is in a colorful bikini, trying to impress her boyfriend, Harry. She took a deep breath and did a very graceful back handspring. She looked up and bowed,and me and Harry applauded. "Thank you, thank you," she gushed, then sat down by Harry. "Well done, love," he said cheekily. "Thanks cutie," she touched his nose and then winked at him. I snickered.

Perrie and Danielle were chatting and tanning (although Dani didn't really need to tan); Harry, Nat and me were sitting down on the sand; Louis, Ellie, Zayn, and Liam were playing hackeysack; and Niall went to get food. They had rented out the beach for a few hours so we didn't get mobbed.

"So Perrie," Nat said casually, "how's Little Mix?" 

Perrie looked up with with her blue eyes and answered, "Oh we're great. We're writing a new song!"

"Cool! I'm a huge fan of Little Mix!" I told her enthusiastically. "Thanks Jess. You're so sweet," Perrie said.

"Hey Perrie! Come play!" Zayn yelled from the game. He was looking gorgeous in ripped jean shorts. 

"No thanks Zayn. Maybe later," Perrie sighed. 

"Ok, he said sadly. Nat jumped up. "I'll play Zayn!" she said brightly. "Ok Nat." She joined right in and it turned out she was a natural. "God Nat. You're good," Liam said as she bounced it up and down and her leg. "Thanks Liam. I've been a pro at this game since I was twelve," she said, still going strong at 65 bounces. She finally stopped at 73. "Eh, not my best," she admitted. Harry stood up. "That was brilliant, love," he said as he kissed her. "Awww," Ellie cooed.

"FOOOOOOD!" Niall yelled out of no where. He set the food down on a red picnic table and hugged me from behind. "I missed you," he whispered, tickling my ear. "You too," I whispered back.

"Whoo! I am starving!" Ellie said, pinching her flat tummy.

"What'd you get, Nialler?" Louis asked.

"Two Chicken Fingers, three fries and six onion rings," Niall said, counting.

"Yum!" Dani said.

"Sounds good," I said, standing up.

"Well, let's dig in peeps!" Nat exclaimed. 

All of us sat down, couples by each other. Everyone reached for the food.

"So did you guys read that Us Weekly article?" Ellie said, biting a  bit of chicken finger.

"One Direction: All 5 Taken," Louis said sassily. Nat and Perrie laughed. 

"We're hated all over the world!" Ellie exclaimed. 

"Who cares?" Louis said, biting a fry. "Those bitches can screw off."

"Louis, language," Ellie scolded.

"Oh, I don't mind," I said.

"Oh good, cause we weren't gonna stop," Louis said jokingly. I laughed.

"Who read it?" Ellie said.

"I did," Nat said. "Meet the five girls that stole the 1D boys' hearts: Eleanor Calder, Danielle Peazer, Perrie Edwards, Natalie Miller, and Jessica O'Connor." She recited dramatically.

Perrie laughed. "That's exactly what it said!" 

"I thought it was dumb," Dani commented. "Well duh, it said that you and Liam were 'the on and off couple: Dani's always gonna be there for poor, homesick Liam, unless she decides to call if off for personal issues," Ellie said.

"We're not like that, are we baby?" Dani asked Liam.

"No of course not babe," Liam said, then turned and raised his eyebrows. We all snickered. 

"Well, the article said that me and Perrie were perfect for each other," Zayn said, pulling the yawn-and-stretch trick on Perrie. She giggled and snuggled closer to him.

"How bout you Jess? Did you read it?" Ellie asked. I felt all eyes on me. 

"Yeah, I read it. It was fine."

"Well, you and Niall seem perfect together," Dani added sweetly.

"Thanks," I said shyly. Niall slipped his hand around my waist. "Hell yeah."

"Nobody's as perfect as me and Ellie," Louis said. Ellie smiled, and Louis pullled her closer to him.

"Oh yeah Louis?" Harry said, pulling Nat onto his lap.

"Boys, boys, calm down," Liam said.

"Well, I'm going to the water," Nat sad, jumping up form Harry's lap and running towards the ocean.

"Me too," Perrie said, and pretty soon me, Dani, Ellie, Nat, and Perrie were all in the ocean splashing each other, while the boys stared at us.

Ellie looked up. "Flip your hair," she whispered. "It'll drive them crazy."

She flipped her hair, then fixed her bikini top. Perrie followed, tying her blonde hair into a ponytail and   putting her hands on her hips. I glanced at Zayn. He looked like he was struggling.

Me and Dani both fluffed our hair and then swayed to the tune of Rock Me. Nat was the one that broke them.

She stepped onto the sand and pulled sunscreen out of her bag. She squirted some onto her fingertips, then started rubbing it onto her body. She rubbed it on her legs, then her neck, and then her tummy, and finally her chest. That caused Harry to jump up and run over to us. He dived into the water, and then the other boys followed. 

We had an all - out splashing war, boys vs. girls. I splashed Louis right in the face, and he got me back when my back was turned. 

Niall ran up to me and actually grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "You're comin with me missy," he said in his adorable Irish accent.

"Niall!" I gasped, laughing. He carried me all the way to Louis's car, which we used to get here, and set me down. 

"Niall!" I giggled. "Take me back!" 

"No," he pouted. (Damn it was hot when he pouted!) I have to tell you something.

"Ok," I replied, a bit nervous.

He opened the car door and grabbed his knapsack. He searched through it for a while. Finally, he pulled it out and handed it to me.


Hey! So how do you like the story so far? I know there is a lot of mistakes and I'll try to correct them later. Remember to VOTE AND COMMENT if you want more. Bye!


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