"Thank you Madeline..." She said softly, her crimson eyes still wet with tears as they met hers. She noticed that Madeline looked sad as well as her soft hand touched Julia's cheek, the warmth of her slim fingers making her sigh at the gentleness.

      "I am glad that you are here." She said, placing her hand on top of Madeline's and interlacing their fingers for a moment. Madeline moved her hand away and smiled a bit, her violet eyes shimmered softly, a little glimmer that made Julia's heart flutter.

       "Why don't I get started on dinner? I think a bath would do you some good. Relaxing might be nice after your journey today." Madeline's gentle voice made Julia feel much better, if only for the moment, and she gave a small nod.

        "Yea...That sounds like a good idea. I have some things in my bag for dinner. I think you will like what it is that I brought." She finished with small a smile. Madeline tilted her head slightly, her eyes brightened a bit at the mention of something new.

       "Oh? What did you bring?" Julia gave a sly smile, leading her into the kitchen and showing her the many treats she had brought. Madeline was ecstatic to say the least, she almost knocked Julia over with her hug. She was happy that she could make her so excited that she would jump up and hug her like that. Julia went into the bathroom to shower, glancing back at Madeline with a soft smile. 

     As she felt the warm water touch her chilled skin, a shiver ran down her spine and a soft sigh escaped her slightly chapped lips. She felt the stress of the trip into the market wane slightly, her eyes closing with a satisfied hum, her thoughts wandering and head racing. She thought about her brother, her family, the gruesome way each of them had died. Then she thought about Madeline, she had truly saved her from the darkness of her own mind, before she had come along she had been sinking ever deeper into the dark pits of her own thoughts and she had thought each and every day of the deaths of each and every member of her family in the most detailed and excruciating way, diving deeper and deeper into her wolf form to escape. She relived their deaths in her head almost every waking second that she wasn't doing something, and that had been almost all the time. The chores around here didn't take up all of her time so she had a lot of free time, time to wander the forest and sink even deeper. She hadn't thought about it as much since she had been here, she took up most of Julia's free time now, the sight of her beautiful pale face with that sweet ashen skin and the gentle curls of her soft blonde hair made her heart melt. She would sit beside her on the couch while she read her books and just gaze at her inquisitive expression, watch her lay there asleep at night or in the early morning and take in the soft sounds of her gentle breath with the slight parting of her lips and scattered mess of blonde locks, and she would let her cook dinner like she loved to do. And she was was so good at it as well. She had told her that she had learned it from her papa when he was still around, she'd been living on her own recently so learning to cook had been a good thing for her to know. She would cook dinner and Julia would watch her work, she whizzed around the kitchen and did things with such expertise and grace that it almost made her jealous that she'd never learned to do such things, in fact Maddie had promised to teach her when she got the chance. She turned the shower off and reluctantly stepped out, drying off a bit before wrapping the towel around herself and strolling into the kitchen. And there was Madeline, at work in her element and making the kitchen smell like the most wonderful feast was being prepared. She didn't seem to notice her until she happened to turn around, her cheeks flushing pink when she noticed. She stood and stared at her, clad only in her towel.

          "It smells wonderful in here." Julia commented, taking Madeline's attention off of her adorning towel and the fact that she had been staring at her. Maddie shook herself out of her embarrassment.

         "T-Thanks, the food is almost done. W-Why don't you um...g-go get dressed then." She murmured, turning back to the stove with her face glowing bright red. Julia gave a soft, genuine smile and chuckled a bit.

        "Sure, I'll be back in just a bit." She said, going into their bedroom to gather some clothes to wear. She looked down and noticed that she had been blushing because the towel didn't cover her completely. She felt her own cheeks heat up as she pulled on her underwear and a pair of loose fitting pants and walked back into the other room to see Madeline setting the table for dinner, both of their plates already in place and arranged nicely. She gave her a sweet smile, Madeline's cheeks still a little flushed from their previous encounter. She sat down at the table with her, apologizing for earlier and complimenting her wonderful cooking. They quickly finished their dinner and talked for a short time before Madeline gave a soft yawn, suggesting that they should get to bed. Julia nodded, following after her into the bedroom. Naturally, Madeline wanted to read a bit before she went to sleep so she sat up for a while longer with her book but she soon began to nod off and fell asleep with the hardback in hand. Julia smiled at her slumped figure with the book threatening to fall from her hands, her glasses slipping to the very tip of her nose. She smiled as she took the book from her hands, placed her bookmark in the correct spot and then placed the volume gingerly on the bedside table. She moved, took her glasses off and put them on top of the book and carefully guided the tiny girl's sleeping figure into her spot on the bed, being sure not to wake her. She lay down beside her, sighing softly as she listened to her steady breathing, her own breaths matching the steady rhythm as she concentrated on her and her alone. She looked at her sweet, sleeping face, brushing a stray strand of hair away. She softly stroked her cheek, hesitating a moment and placing a soft kiss on her lips, her own heart skipping a beat as she pulled her closer.

       "Goodnight Madeline."

Red Eyes - PruCanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz