Maybe this was good. He could test out his progress over not drooling over her every time she crossed him during school.

Or maybe this could be bad, considering they will be staying in the same house for a week. This could set him back.

Well, fuck me

"Whose beach house do you think it is, dumbass." Scott chuckled and walked out of view leaving Stiles alone to panic between a flood of fast pacing teenagers.

Stiles doesn't know how he reached his class, after that. All he knows is that he's currently sitting on a chair, next to some hunky kid, and the boy sitting diagonal to him was sticking his chewing gum under his desk. Stiles made a mental note not to sit at that table. Ever.

He ponders over Scott had said to him earlier about him not having a social life, anymore.

Stiles had not been doing so well this year. Apart from his grades, everything in his life was going downhill. And why wouldn't it be? Scott doesn't have the time to see him anymore outside of school. He's way to busy playing 'spit share' with his girlfriend.

It's not like he hates Alison. In fact, she's pretty cool once you get past her full toothed smile. She's good for Scott as well. His grades are improving, if only a little. And above all, Stiles is not in danger of getting killed every time Scott loses his temper, considering Alison is his anchor. Though he can't help but feel that Scotts been stolen from him. And he blames Alison for that.

Stiles knows that he shouldn't blame Alison for such a thing. After all, its scott's wolf that needs her. Needs her like Stiles needs air to survive. But he just needs someone to blame. Otherwise he feels like his friendship with Scott wasn't good enough and that he needs other people in his life.

Stiles fell into a deeper state of funk when he suddenly realized that Scott might be his only friend in this town.

"hey, ass-head." Stiles hears a whisper from his left. He turns his head and see's that it was Jackson who was sitting next to him. Stiles recoiled in his head immediately. What had he done to deserve such fucked up luck? It was pissing off.

"What?" he dead panned. Rolling his eyes intentionally to piss of the wolf and looked ahead again.

He heard Jackson growl light enough for him to hear, and smirked. It was just so easy to get into his skin. "you smell like depression and crap". That brought Stiles back to reality.

Of course, Jackson could smell him and his mood swings. Sometimes he wondered how his life went to shits. He shifted his eyes back to Jackson's face, trying to look just as bored. But he knew that his frantic heartbeat would give away him away.

"Go sit over there. It's disturbing me." He alleged bitterly and pointed towards another empty chair away from him.

"Jackson, Jackson, Jackson." Sities said, sighing dramatically. "Why don't you just admit that my presence just makes you horny? I can see the lust swimming in your eyes, babe." Jackson's eyes widened into saucers, before he huffed angrily and just glared at him. Stiles tried hard not to laugh and just play the smirk on his lips. "There. You see? You just have a hard time telling yourself that you've fallen head over heels for my sexyness. I just hope you tell Lydia before you decide to taste these luscious lips." Stiles wet his lips, slowly and purposefully before pouting animatedly at Jackson.

Jackson was seething and was growling again by the time Stiles had finished. Stiles felt good. Finally. He thought he should horrible for taking out his irritation on someone else, but he got over it as soon as he thought that it was Jackson.

That ass-wipe deserves everything bad in the world.

Stiles smiled with satisfaction and turned back to Mr Anders with pride. He ignored Jackson calling him again and kept his gaze ahead till the teacher saw Jackson trying to throw a paper ball at Stiles.

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