"I-i don't know." I stuttered and looked down from his innocent face.

"Come onnnn ..." I hear the none believable tone in his voice. I sighed and pushed my glasses in. Trying to figure out what to say to him.

"I-i don't know." I responded again but he didn't believe me. I can't tell he didn't believe me.

"Come on Beana .." Austin said with a chuckle as I look up at him. A grin widen across his face.

"What do you want me to say?" I spoke with little enthusiasm His eyes squinted as I continued.

"You think I'm gonna say "Oh I would love to move to Florida." ..." I scooted forward. Austins eyebrows shot up.

"I would love to but I can't ... like what am I gonna do over there?" I questioned with astonishment right before our waiter came back with our orders.

"Three cheese chicken panini .." Jen held up a flat dish as I raised my hand telling her that it was mind.

" 1 Texas pound burger and a cheesy alfredo." Jen held up the last 2 plates and placed it down in front of Austin.

"It's not like im asking you to live with me, Beana." He leaned in towards the table and smirked. We thanked Jen then she left, leaving me alone with him.

"I was just wondering what your opinion was." He spoke as we both lifted up our utensils and began to dig in.

"And ..." he cleared his throat as I look up. His eyes filled with lust and seemed somewhat playful.

"You said gonna ..."Austin said with a look of satisfaction. My eyes widen as I remember what he told me a couple hours ago.

"Technically you said it 2 times." He pierced the alfredo with his fork and with a wide grin he ate it.

It took me a couple moments to realize that I said it but once I recalled saying it, I froze.

"It's okay ..." He said calmly but inside I was freaking out.

Austin slowly leaned across the table with his hazel eyes staring at my frightened face.

"I won't kiss you now." He winked intentionally as I felt the hairs on my arms stand up.

"I will kiss you ..." Austin spoke confidentally. I gulped thinking about his lips on mine.

"but I'm only going to do it when I want to." His eyes squinted, eyebrows raised and the ends of his lips curled up. As if he's having fun with this game.

I'm not scared .... well maybe. I don't know.

He leans back from the table and takes a bite from his burger.

"I can tell you're scared Bea .." He saw right through me as I feel my heart beat faster and faster. My panini sitting in front of me but I don't feel like eating anymore.

I watch him dig in as I sit here feeling guilty. I should've known that I said gonna. I feel stupid.

Austin then wipes his mouth with his napkin and watches me with those eyes. Those hazel eyes have deceived me once again.

"This is going to be fun." His face lights up while i give him a disgusted expression. I look down at my dish with contempt.

At this point, I'm speechless. I hate playing games with Austin. It's getting childish.

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!! How are you guys doing ? ...

I know I know. I haven't updated since last month. This time I have a honest answer.

It's because I've been procrastinating. I have to be honest. I thought this book was getting boring and I honestly didn't want to continue writing it.

I've lost my motive to write. I don't know what happened this past few weeks... I knew that I needed to update but I was too lazy to do so.

BUT ! Ever since yesterday I think I've found my motive again :') ...

You guys know that I'm a senior in high school. And if you've been a senior or a graduate of high school, you know that it's hard.

This is my last year of being in high school and it's difficult. I have to figure out what I want to be for the rest of my life then I have to find out colleges that I can afford.

SATs are killing me and senior projects are biting my butt right now. So much stress !! but I then asked myself "Why aren't you happy anymore?"

I then looked back at the time when I was happy. What are the things that made me happy? Then I realized that I started a wattpad account because I LOVE writing.

I love making you guys imagine what I imagine you know ? I love coming up with stories that explore my imagination.

That's why I came back. I started writing this chapter today at 2am. And now it's 9pm. I stayed up writing this chapter and I don't regret it.

After making this chapter I felt so happy. It felt like waking up on Christmas day and finding out that you got 10 gifts from your family. It's kinda like that.

I honestly love writing and I would never ever stop. I may have lost it but I think i found it. I love making you guys happy. I love making me happy :) I love you guys so much.


P.S- Merry Christmas :)

P.P.S- 35 votes and I'll make chapter 40 :)

Just Maybe (a.m fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora