Chapter 11

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Magnum didn't resist the surge of sexual energy coursing through him as he took his place at the easel. Never before had he been as inspired as he was now. Danny's effect on him busted open the flood gates of his creativity, and the fiercer the throb in his cock, the ache in his balls, the pounding of his heart—the more Danny became his ultimate muse.

Where one might expect his hands to be shaking from sheer sexual tension, Magnum acquired a calm at the center of the sexual storm building between him and Danny. The first stage of his painting was actually a quick sketch of Danny, a simple outline. He took extra care with his face, his eyes in particular—and the sensual desire radiating forth. This was the most important aspect of the entire painting. If he failed to capture Danny's inner passion, the piece would lose its luster...become just another painting, rather than the masterpiece Magnum envisioned.

The series was important to him, but his need to perfect this one painting had little to do with the other pieces. All his life he'd been waiting, searching for that one perfect man who would inspire him to create something above and beyond all his other creations. As an author seeking their own unique version of the great American novel—so Magnum had been on a journey of discovery.

For a moment in time—quite a brief moment—Magnum had tried to convince himself that Roger was that muse. But though he couldn't describe with words what he was looking for...he knew that he would recognize it when he saw it in another man's eyes. It had never been present in Roger's eyes, though he'd searched for it there for far too long. But with Danny, there had been no question. He was the one. The picture of perfection that would bring Magnum's vision to life. Bring Magnum to life.

Roger had destroyed something special inside of him, or so Magnum had believed. After Roger, he had begun to lose faith in himself, in his vision. Perhaps, without even realizing it, he had stopped searching for his muse. But Danny changed everything. And Magnum understood that part of his desperate need to capture Danny's perfection—was so he would always have a piece of Danny with him forever. Once the painting was finished...and their passion sated...what was left to keep Danny from flying back to heaven where all angels belonged?

Magnum's heart squeezed and his eyes burned with tears. In his own way, Danny was Magnum's dream. And once a dream comes does one turn and let it go?

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