Chapter 5

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Oh my god guys its been so long I've updated this book but I've gotten a little better at writing so here we go! - Savannah

Ally's POV

I stared at the curly head boy with wide eyes 'Harry styles just saved me?' I swallowed the lump in my throat he was standing over jack glaring at him all of sudden Harry's foot came in contact with jacks stomach "don'" he growled between kicks I finally noticed and ran over to harry and grabbed his arm "harry stop please" I whispered as I gripped the fabric of his shirt he looked at me his green piercing eyes softened he stopped kicking and jack and turned to me my head hurt and I felt my eyes droop that's when everything went black

My eyes fluttered open as the sun beamed in through the curtains I looked around this wasn't my room the walls were maghony color and the duvet was a black silk fabric I jumped up and looked around I was in a T-shirt that wasn't mine and a pair of boxers I jumped as the door creaked open and in stepped harry he was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts "hey your awake" I nodded and blushed "did you change me" I didn't hear him say anything so I looked up at him he nodded "yeah I couldn't let you sleep in those uncomfortable clothes" my heart fluttered he actually cared "oh well um thanks I should get going" he nodded and pointed to the couch in the corner "your clothes are right there I'll be down stairs" I nodded and watched as he closed the door I slowly got up my feet coming in contact with his fuzzy soft carpet I walked over to my clothes and quickly changed back into them and headed down stairs harry was sitting on the couch on his phone he looked up and stood up "ready?" I nodded and walked out to his black range rover and got in Harry got in and cranked the car up and backed out of the drive way and drove to my house it was silently the whole entire car ride I frowned as we pulled up into the familiar drive way I didn't like it here she didn't care but then again I don't think harry does either "bye harry and thanks again" I said quietly before he could reply I slammed the door shut and run into the house and straight to my bedroom thank god she still asleep.....

Oka so here we go I'm sorry if it sucks a little I'm trying my best I love you guys please read and vote -Savannah

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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