Chapter 3

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I walked out of class as the  bell rung I sighed in relief cause 1 harry hasent tried bothering me since this morning and 2 school was over and it was a Friday night I walked to my locker and shoved my stuff I didn't need into it and slammed it shut and walked out of the school building I looked around and saw no sign of harry I smiled a little and started my walk to my job at nandos I've been working there for over a year now I arrived and walked in and saw my boss mark he has black hair into a quiff and green eyes "hey mark" he turned around and smiled showing his perfect white teeth "hey Ally go and get your uniform on and get to work" he said softly I nodded and went to the locker room and got dressed in my uniform I walked out and grabbed my note pen and notebook I heard the bell at the door signaling a new costumer I turned around to greet the costumer "welcome to na-" I stopped at mid sentence when I saw him he had a white buttoned up shirt and his hair was pushed to the side he wore black skinny jeans and brown boots he looked at me with a smirk on his face "well well well look who's hear" I gulped and made my way to the back my heart beat had quickened why was he here now.


I walked into nandos and was greeted by a waitress she stopped in mid sentence so I looked up to see but the small figure that was standing there was no other then ally she was wearing a uniform I smirked I watched as she swallowed the lump in her throat "well well look who's hear" I said she rushed into the back I took a seat I the far corner near the window I don't really know why I bullied ally I just do but sometimes I really regret it what no I can not be regretting it I shook off the though and ordered my food

//hey guys sorry its so short I'm having family issues//

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