Chapter 6- Unfunctioning

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I opened my eyes, they felt heavy and I saw why. Black water surrounded me. I blinked as a black bubble escaped my lips. I reached to grab it but my arms wouldn't move. In fact there was no feeling in them at all. Something sticky was capped around my wrists and ankles. I sneaked a glance down and bit my lip. Green substance was glowing and dripping down my body. It snared my body together. I struggled in it but soon gave up because my body is unbelievably ,for some reason, weak. Instead I stared at the black gooey water around me. It looked as if it were crawling on walls and dripping down a ceiling. Then a bulging white eye opened on the left of me. I screamed at it from surprise. A second eye popped open on the opposite eye. The red rimmed pupils spun wildly before resting on my lonely form. I swallowed down another scream and stayed still. Yet when a large mouth opened, I began to shake in fear. The tongue poked out and ran over, what I'm guessing, it's top lip. Then I heard snaps and pops. I looked behind me, large claws were ripping out of the black goo. Glinting a blinding white and sticky as they stretched for me. Something began to fill my mouth. I spat out to see. Blackness lurched out of my mouth like projectile vomit after I spit. I gagged at the foul taste filling my mouth and tried to swallow it down. It bubbled in my stomach, growls and roars of protest filled my ears. An echo rang through the gooey walls, the mouth opened. Rows and rows of jagged teeth down a throat welcomed my eyes. I had to bit hard on my lip from screaming. The vile was sticking inside my mouth and sloshing in my throat. I can't breathe, I cannot breathe. I lurched from my restrains and then a blinding light caused me to cry out in pain.

"She's back! She's with us!" My ears throbbed and my throat is scratchy. Someone's cold hands were on my face. Everything is green, I saw when I squinted open my eyes. Yet the light made my head throb. I hissed and closed my eyes again. "Someone turn off the lights!" a voice cried in front of me. I could feel the vibrations. I moaned as my stomach felt queasy. Bile was rising. I reached from my stomach and emptied it on the ground. The scent of it made my throat clench and my nose wrinkle. I coughed and sat up, bringing my legs to my chest. Someone's hand was on my cheek, I flinched away. "Alex, it's me Leo, calm down," Arms wrapped around my body, I opened my eyes and was grateful for the darkness. Yet the bile smell was like smoke and was only getting thicker.

"Leo?" I asked with a soft raspy voice.

"Yeah it's me,"

"You're alive?" Leo stiffened. His arms went solid, then he relaxed.

"Of course,"

"They didn't get me?" My heartbeat was quickening. I remember the gooey cat and pain. I remember the dream, vividly. Leo didn't answer my question yet. "Leo?" but I was pushed on my back.

"What do you mean?" He snarled as if his lion were clawing to the surface. I recoiled from the anger that pulsed from his voice. Hands plummeted on my shoulders, I cried in pain. Claws were digging into my shoulders, recreating the pain from the goo cat. I pushed my feet up and collided with a body. A thump on the ground informed me that the attacker, who is not Leo, fell. Leo would never do that. Right? Either way I jumped up and walked through the dark, feeling for a wall. I bumped a wall finally then felt around for a doorknob. None. I went around, feeling. Nothing. Panic seeped to my lungs. My heart palpitating in my chest. Fear laced me like a red bow. I slid down the wall and turned. My fear rushed in like a wave. In the darkness were two lights. Green lights, I heard jaws snap. Below the lights were glinting claws. I sucked in a breath. My chest is collapsing under the stress filled fear. The lights lingered. They hopped up, screeching on metal. On the metal thing I was just on, I guessed. The table lit green from the lights. I saw yellow fur. It's Leo. He's hunting me down. I held my breath from screaming. Why is this happening? What is happening?

"Leo?" The lights perked up and focused on me. "You, you're scaring me. Stop." Then lights flickered on. I saw Leo, he is not Leo. Black goo was dripping from his open mouth, well the lion mouth. His eyes were black and green, like the dripping winged cat. I held a hand to my mouth, yet he didn't notice. He lumbered to me like his limbs weren't working properly. Something inside me began to strike pain. I screamed, it felt like being pierced with forty million knives. I toppled onto my knees. My body numbing and not functioning. 

A substance was bubbling in my mouth like in the dream. I spat, black liquid leaked out on my mouth. My body shook. My ram horns began to painfully grow from my skull. I screamed. Hooves popped from my feet, curling my toes. The pain was frying my senses. My clothes began to melt off my body and slowly be replaced by my fur coat and leather. The nose ring began to grow from my nose. I screamed because my body wasn't done. My pants were beginning to flake off because curly fur was growing from my skin, prickling and agitating my body as it grew. My fingers grew hard and two pairs of two stuck together as my thumb and pinkie grew hard like a hoof. I felt my palms roughen. I screamed as my tail bone grew a little to fit a small tail. Then my body stopped. The pain lingered. I felt myself, two large canine teeth protruded from my upper mouth, weird because rams don't have that but I let it go. I felt my horns and they were curled all the way around my face and the sharp tip ended at my jaw. I glanced at my body, I am like a satyr from mythological stories. I tried speaking but a soft bah came from my lips. I held my hoof hands to my mouth in surprise. Goo leaked between the hardened hoof fingers. I coughed and splattered more goo by accident. 

I scrambled, with my feet scratching the ground loudly, to my hooves. I wobbled on them and held onto the wall. I looked down at the unfamiliar parts of my new body. The course fur laced down my waist to my ankles. My tail had two thin strings in it, I flicked the small tail. The strings sliced through the air dangerously, a large spike was settled on the end. Two to be exact. 

A growl brought me back to the situation at hand. Leo was standing in front of me. He was half human now, just scarier. His canines were large like a saber tooth tiger, his head was consumed by a bushy golden mane. I swallowed hard while my gaze slid down his form. His hands were spread with large claws curving his fingers. Fur was bristled on his shoulders and his feet were lifted at the heel with paws that also had dangerous claws on them. His tail swished behind him and I noticed that on the tip was a small blaze of fire. A hot breath made me jump, I looked at my hand to see it was burned a bit. I narrowed my eyes are gave a throaty breath. Little blue flames jumped off my tongue. I grinned and ran my tongue over my teeth. Leo growled softly, his little pink nose snuffled out little flames as well. I noticed large straight horns popping from his fluffy head, he snarled for my attention. I looked in his green eyes that were glowing in an inner fire.

"Aries," I flinched from the gruff voice, "these are our true forms, they only come out when we are in danger." My ear flicked making me giggle softly. Leo rolled his eyes, "come," he confronted me with an outstretched hand. His claws slid away with a mild snap. I swallowed and grabbed his hand in fear. He was attacking me moments ago and now he's letting me to my feet, or hooves. He smiled wickedly, confirming my superstition.

"Are you alright now?" I asked cautiously, slightly surprised with the words instead of a ram's bah. Leo's green eyes flashed before he answered.

"Yes, I think so, now come on we need to get out of here and with these forms and powers we should be able too." 

//ah finally an update, sorry i had break and was working on this forever and im disappointed and i dont really like the direction this story is heading now, but i will try to make it better. Im glad its out of that depressing crap earlier, sorry about that... ANYWAY i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and had fun with family or friends or dog... or even cat... Im tired but ill get back to writing tomorrow because im still off!!!

-Lumpy//(yes i did name the chapter unfunctioning even though its not a real word, shush i made it up okay)

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