Chapter 2- Paper Stars

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We ran into school breathless and tired. We flew, well not actually flew, to our seats and then the bell rang. Mr. Grant, my homeroom teacher looked up from his desk and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Miss Star?" I smiled and raised my hand.

"I am here!" The class giggled with me and the teacher groaned.

"Like every day, almost late..." I grinned and leaned in my chair. Mr. Grant flipped his hand up and we stood up for the announcements and pledge. He flipped his hand and we grabbed our books to our classes. My first class, math with a nice test in it too. Mrs. Rover was smiling especially bright today, probably so she could see her students suffering through a test. I took a seat next to a girl with sort blond hair and green eyes. Sarah. She was smiling and I groaned and tried not to mutter a great reference at her but she's think I'm even crazier then everyone already thinks I am. She poked me and smiled again.

"Yes Miss Sarah Walker?" I asked sarcastically. Sarah was that 'popular girl'. I don't know why, I don't know anything so do not ask me. She clicked her tongue and braced myself for a lecture from her.

"Well, I am glad you asked and I am especially pleased that you called me miss-"

"Oh my god, just tell me what without the entire introduction." I snapped and she jerked back in surprise.

"Oh uh um well yes down to business," Why is she so annoying? I pondered in my head and focused on a hair on her head that was sticking up to the ceiling. At least something wasn't perfect.

"Would you like to help me with my star paper and be my partner in language arts? I just need more information and I won't make you do everything I swear!" I snapped back to reality to process what she said. She needs my help? Okay I'll say this, even though she's all popular but she is top of the class on my team. She barely ever gets a partner. I thought about it and answered hesitantly.

"Do you mind if I give you your answer in language arts? I don't want to think about it during the test." She brightened and nodded.

"Yes of course you can!" I saw her smile down at her desk, why was everyone so weird today? I sighed and watched the last kids settle down in their seats. Dennis was in front of me, this weird kid Frank on the opposite side of me and a girl Harper behind me. Mrs. Rover was passing out papers, my heart was racing I didn't study. I'm gonna bomb this. After about fifteen minutes I finished, first as always. I smiled at Mrs. Rover when I handed it to her. She had a painted smile on; I could tell she was looking and focusing deep into my eyes. I looked away quickly and retreated to my seat. I picked my book up and started to read until the rest of the class finishes. Dennis was second then a girl some seats away from me with purple hair turned hers in with a grim frown. After four more people, Sarah turned hers in. Then the rest flew by to get theirs in. I packed my book with a grin and got my stuff ready. I looked at the clock, 7:50, dismissal. Mrs. Rover got up and dismissed us and I raced out to my next class, social studies. That class was boring and we learned about the Revolutionary War, I already knew from Sage's countless stories. In the middle of class my teacher, of course my least favorite because he didn't like me very much, Mr. Grant, said my name.

"Yes I am here and awake for your answer or response!" I looked at him smiling. Mr. Grant sighed and motioned me to the front of the class. I walked up confidently and looked at him, "what?" He cleared his throat.

"Tell us a story that someone in your family told you about from the Revolutionary War." I smiled and nodded. I have a great one.

"My great, great grandfather told me this, his name is Sage." I noticed Timmy straighten from his slumped position, he knew who I was talking about so did Dennis. "His grandfather was in the war, and this pretty funny. His name was Renold and loved to crack jokes during the war so the other soldiers weren't so petrified. The one he said was to a man he was saving and was speaking to him how cannon balls are like big dragons and they are just throwing up on everyone. The man he was helping had his spirits lifted so much he stood up and started to help others that were hurt. I never got that man's name but he save five people in the war and two slaves. Renold ever since then would say the stupidest jokes and that's how he died. It was the Beach o Normandy, he was being held in captivity and he said a really bad joke and his throat got slit by the guard. That's my story! Goodbye I'm going to my seat now." Mr. Grant was gaping at the story and so was the rest of the class. The room filled with clapping and I was thoroughly confused. "What?" Mr. Grant laughed.

"The class agreed to make you say a story and if you messed up you'd get a two on your participant grade, but you were excellent!" I frowned at the class.

"Well you guys are all butts to me now," they laughed and class carried on. Dismissal again, German Class. I ran through the halls to my farthest class and stopped at Mrs. Greenford.

"Hallo, wie geht es lhnen heute (Hi how are you today)" She smiled.

"Gut, gut, Kommen und sitzen, (Good, good, come in and sit)" I nodded.

"Danke" I picked a seat on the right and pulled out my book and started to read. The class came in about five minutes. Class was fun and we didn't really learn much that was very important. Related arts came too fast and soon we were sent out again. I skipped to art class and grinned, my favorite. I sat with Timmy, Dennis and another girl named Opal. I said hi to everyone and we got to our painting projects. Mine is a dinosaur. We talked for a bit then I leaned in.

"Sarah wants me to be her partner for the star project in language arts." The three gasped.

"You totally should!" Opal squeaked and smiled. Timmy nodded and Dennis had his face scrunched.

"What about the stars?" Opal didn't understand but she dint comment. I shrugged.

"Do you think I can trust her with that big of a secret?"

Hey guys! Yes I'm finally going to rewrite this more and try to finish! I have real big hopes and dreams in this one and I hope you like it... Well I'm going to sleep now XD Oh and don't mind the next chapter until its revised cause it won't go along with my storyline at all

Aries's Wrath **BEING REWRITTEN STAY TUNED**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ