The girl who cried wolf: Chapter fifteen

Start from the beginning

     “Wow really, what can you do now then?” he asked getting more excited.

     “Well my hearing and sense of smell is stronger, oh and my eyesight is amazing. Everything looks amazing. The world seems so different, it’s beautiful. Of course you know about my speed, well I feel stronger too.” I said grinning at him.

     “Wow you’ll be shifting before you know It.” he replied as he got up and gave me hug.

After another moment we got up and started walking along the boundary. We walked in silence, it wasn’t an awkward silence or anything it was nice. After a little while I could hear something in the distance, it sounded like water. I started to walked a little bit faster trying to figure out what it was, Tyler had shown me pretty much everything but we hadn’t been out this far. I soon found myself in front of a huge spring-water pool with a little waterfall. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, it was beautiful. The water was so clear that I could see all the way to the bottom. I could hear Tyler walking up behind me, when he reached me he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

     “Beautiful isn’t it.” he said as he gave me a bit of a squeeze.

     “Breath taking.” I replied, my eyes still glued to the glittering water.

     “It’s our own private bit of paradise, the humans never come out this far. I’m surprised Luca has never brought you out here; it’s a pretty romantic spot. A lot of couples come out here to…to, umm well you know.” He said rubbing the back of his and blushing slightly, it was obvious the subject made him a little bit uncomfortable.

     “Do you fancy a quick dip?” I asked.

Tyler fell silent and jumped away from me; I quickly turned to face him.

     “God you’re disgusting!” he said shaking his head at me.

     “How the hell am I disgusting?” I asked completely confused by Tyler’s reaction.

     “Well for one Mia we’re cousins and sort of thing in wrong. Two you’re with Luca and I’m pretty sure he’d kick my butt. Well he’d try to anyway.” He said as he tried to look tough.

     “Oh Ty you bloody sicko, I was talking about a dip in the water.” I said shuddering at the thought of it meaning anything else. “Gross get your head out of the gutter.”

I watched as his face went a deep shade of red. Although I was disgusted by what he had thought, it was hilarious watching the embarrassment spread across his face. Serves him right really for being such a perv.

     “Yeah I knew that, I was just messing with you.” Tyler said trying not to look at me.

I held back my laughter until I couldn’t any longer; tears were running down my face within seconds. I laughed even harder as he crossed his arms across his chest, making himself look like a sulking toddler. After another second or two I picked up on a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before I knew he was racing towards me, I quickly turned on my heel and ran towards the pool. He quickly caught up with me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and we both went flying into the water. We burst out of the water laughing our heads off.

     “God its freezing.” I said shivering.

    “What you on about it’s lovely.” Tyler said smirking at me.

     “You may be nice and warm but I’m not.” I said as I started to get out of the water.

     “I guess you haven’t inherited all of the Lycan traits then.” He replied as he started to do the back stroke across the water.

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