"Diana? Angry?" Rose frowned, "I don't think I can even see that."

"Eh. Whatever." Grace shrugged, "but don't trust her. Never trust her. Diana is crafty for the things that she wants. And the thing is... she has a hard time creating diamonds. She needs to create an air pressure strong enough to create them, and sometimes she can't get them in the way that she wants them to. Rose, there is nothing wrong with how you can make your own crystal. Or even having trouble with your magic. It just means that you were created with subconscious magic blockers."

"Magic blockers?"

Grace sighed, "okay this is hard to explain. Think about this. Magic is a ball of energy in you. You can manipulate however you want it. Except it can also manipulate you as well. If you have a fire element inside of you, then you are more naturally angry and twitchy. Okay? Well, in order for you to control your magic and not you, all you have to do is create some walls. Some blocks in order for your magic to bounce around and not cause you actual harm. Some witches have a really hard time with this. I'm actually recreating some blocks at the moment as well, it's what happens when I don't have magic for a while. For you, it just means you have a natural talent for keeping your magic at bay. All you really have to do is meditate and take down some unnecessary barriers."

"Wait... so you're saying I'm blocking my own magic?" Rose asked, confused.

"Yep." Grace popped the 'p'.

"I just have to meditate."

"Yeah. I can't really help you with that, you created your own barriers by yourself so I can't really do the work for you. It's all up to you." Grace shrugged, and then turned to the dirt drawing she made. "Now, do you think this would work?"

"It's a few squiggly lines in the dirt."

"Elementary, Watson." Grace sighed, "but I think it's ready. I don't really have a lot of practice with earth magic."

"You don't?"

"I'm an Air Witch, I don't do earth that much." Grace shrugged.

"Do it. I wanna see." Rose sounded genuinely curious.

"This might not turn out well, so you might want to step back." Rose shuffled back a few steps before Grace closed her eyes and touched her magic inside.

With a deep breath, she lifted her leg and stamped it on the ground at an angle. Instantly the earth around her cracked and crumbled, while other bits and pieces shot up in the air. The cabin that was drawn in the dirt shot up into the air in neat blocks of clay. It landed together, and the ground underneath closed up.

"Ha!" Grace opened her eyes and pointed, triumphant.

The walls groaned once, before falling down. The roof crumbled into a pile of rocks and nothing was standing anymore.

"Wow." Rose said, "that was exciting." Sarcasm was heavy in her voice.

"Shut up." Grace mumbled, "not everybody is perfect."

"Beyonce is."

"Just shut it." Grace pouted, "I don't want to try that again."

"Then let's go find some abandoned cabin somewhere and bust in." Rose pointed out, "it's not like anybody would be home."

"Fine." Grace gave in, throwing her hands up in the air. "Let's go to civilization. Hold on." Grace grabbed Rose into her arms and the wind came and picked them up. Rose yelped, her long fake nails digging into Grace's shoulders as they flew over the dense forest and towards the nearest small town that they had passed a few days ago when they first arrived. It was a pleasant experience, the wind trying to challenge Grace into a race while tugging onto her hair to play with them.

Grace landed a few dozen feet from the road, maybe a mile or two away from the town. "Okay, we'll just walk in and get a hotel. But!" Rose turned, but Grace stopped her, "we are going to move tomorrow somewhere else. How does Norway sound?"

"Isn't that near Greenland?" Rose paused, cocking her head to the side.

"Eh, close enough." Grace shrugged, and Rose turned towards the road. She left Grace behind, but that was okay, because she needed to fix her hair. And she'd rather not do that while walking, or else she might forget a step and tie her hair in a knot. Which she might have to cut out, and short hair does not look good on her. Pulling her wand out from the golden bun, Grace put it between her teeth as she threw her head down and snapped it back up. Her hair fell across her back, and she gathered it between her hands. Twisting it into a bun that she learned during the Renaissance, she finished it by putting her wand as the lynch pin in it, keeping it all together.

Then Rose screamed.

Grace hesitated for a moment, fear that they had found her consuming her. Her sisters found her, and she was in trouble. It was obvious that they hadn't gotten to her yet, but Rose was a gonner. And yet... Rose was worth it.

Darting towards where Rose had cried out, Rose burst from the bushes to see a black van screech as it accelerated down the street.

"Hey!" Grace yelled, trying to get their attention. "Stop!" When that wasn't working, and the van was gaining speed, Grace whipped out her wand and send a wave of wind towards it. Only to pop the tires, nothing too damaging. Except...

The wind bounced off of a force field.

And came back at her.

Grace was knocked back to her feet, the wind pushing her until she hit up against a tree. Her breath wooshed out her, and Grace struggled to taken in breath. Her wand had flown out of her hand, but it flew in her outstretched palm. Her long golden hair had fallen around her eyes as Grace got her feet, furious. Curses under her breath, she shot the disappearing van a hated look.

Only one type of animal knew how to create that spell.

"Condemno Warlocks." Grace muttered under her breath as her hair blew around her in a circle and she drifted in the air, following the van from a distance. There was no way that they'd get Rose, and she had a particular grudge against Warlocks.

Words: 46,219 when will this end gosh darn it

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