Chapter 24, Part 3

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1998, New York City- recorded news cast

"Gooooood morning New York!" A bright and cheerful voice said, her tone peppy and upbeat. "It is such a lovely day today in New York City, but you better keep a hat on just in case! It's already December, but the snow has only just started, so bundle up and get home to your loved ones because there is a huuuge storm coming in at noon. The high is 27 degrees, the lowest can go into the negatives! Wowie! That'll be so cold! This is your newcaster for today, Susan Sweet, and today we have such a special suprise for you! Today we have with us is the notoriously amazing Friday Witch! How are you doing today, Miss Friday?"

"Please, it's just Friday. No need for formalities." A deeper, but smoother voice said over the radio. She wasn't speaking as if sunshine was coming out of her mouth, like Susan was, but still polite.

"Alright Friday, this is such an honor to have you with us today."

"Oh please, the honor is all mine."

"So Friday, we were wondering if you might be able to answer a few questions from our listeners. Our phoneline is open for anybody to call in a question, and we were hoping to get through these questions so everybody has a chance to get theirs answered. If there is any question that makes you feel uncomfortable, just say pass. Nobody will be offended if you don't want to answer a question."

"That seems to be reasonable."

"Alright, so our first question is... 'How did you know that you were a Witch?'"

"Witches are created, not born. I'm so sorry for those women out there who might think that they're witches, but you have to be created as one in order to be one. If that makes any sense."

"Darn, there goes that dream job."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be. It's perfectly alright. Next question is, 'What kind of powers do you guys even have?'"

"Well, it really depends on which Witch you are talking about. There are four categories, which Ruby spoke of last week, Day, Cursed, Gem, and Metal. Metal and Gem Witches focus on one certain type of object. Only exception to their power is that they can manipulate elements. Every Witch also have a particular affinity for an element, they have the most power in that one, while the rest they are mediocre at best. Cursed Witches, to be honest, we don't really like talking about their powers. So I shall pass on their affinity. Day Witches, like I am, have just regular mortal powers until one day of the week. But on that day, they have unlimited power. Being a mortal six days out of seven is the price of our power. We all have our differences and various ways of magic, so don't assume that we all can do the same things."

"Wow. That is so fascinating! So the stories about the Catholic Purge were true, some Witches actually floated while their necks were in the noose?"

"Yes, in fact I know of a few friends who have had their necks in a noose or two. Some of them prefer having the rope burned and then letting the earth swallow them up so they could re emerge hours later. Others would have it rain that day so hard, they would cause a tsunami that would toss whatever living settlement away."

"That is so cool. Wait, are there some witches that can fly?"

"Absolutely. Although there are not many witches out there who have that particular affinity. The most common are Fire and Water, while Earth and Air are harder to control. Plus, you have to master the wind itself, otherwise it would just throw you around like a leaf. It's hard to talk to the wind. It's even harder to fly."

"That just blows my mind. Witches are super fascinating. Onto the next question, 'how many dragons are there, and how can you find one?'"

"Dragons, well. That is a tough question. Dragons take up a lot of land for territory, and they don't exactly reproduce very much at all, so there are exactly thirteen dragons in total across the whole globe. You can't tell who is a dragon, unless you're either a vampire or werewolf, only because the beast inside of you is threatened. Dragons can look just like ordinary people, like you and I. Girl or boy, they like their space and they don't really need to repopulate the Earth with their kind. So honestly? I don't know."

"I'd love to meet a dragon one day."

"Oh, you might not want to."

"Really? How so?"

"They're possessive. Mean unless proven otherwise. They always think for themselves and whatever Witch that they have. There is no 'end of relationship' between a dragon and a witch, and they tend to view humans as a last resort. They don't really like being around humans all that much, and when they are, they come off as rude and brash."

"Oh. That's a bit of a disappointment."

"Yes, it is. But honestly, dragons are naturally greedy. If they don't think you're worth any value to them then you aren't worth their time. Just like in the old stories, that dragons would have caves filled with treasure, it's true. Witches just add to their collection, although dragons are much more... how do I say this. They do their best by keeping the witch with them, and to not drive them away. Because a witch can always just walk away from a contract. Dragons do their best to make them seem like the best choice to be with, rather than walking away to be somebodies elses."

"Wow. That is fascinating."

"Anyways, I talked too much. The next question?"

"'What do you think about..."

New York City, 1998 - recorded news cast

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