5: Drew Vamps

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Drew's POV

Jayn is A-alive?!

I'm Drew Vamps, 17 yrs. Old. I am a Vampire. The youngest son of Alva Vamps and Casa Vamps, we are the 2nd powerful vampire. I can't believe it for 6 yrs I saw Jayn. Our Princess, My Princess. I-i thought Jayn is dead.

I was walking in the woods. I recently do this when i'm bored or Every morning. I was walking in a downhill when a strong wind came, i smell a familliar scent. I thought it was just a scent from someone but when i smell it again I know that it was Jayn's Scent. I know her scent very well. We were together for 6 years but we parted in just one mistake. Sh*t. I know it was my fault. I'm so hard headed I didn't listen to her that time


"Hey Jayn Let's Play Hide and seek!!" I said to Jayne

Vanessa Jayn Mayles

Daughter of Khram Anton Mayles. The Leader of 'Drens' the most powerful vampire of all times.

"Okay! Coming!" She said

"Come! Let's play inside that fence!" I suggest

"Is that the enemy's Place?"

"Yea? I think so?"

"My dad said that we must not go there because we can put our life in danger!" She said. Jayn is a late fanger

"Nah! C' mon there's nothing to worry about! I'm here to save you if anything bad happens."

"O-okay" she agreed


"Let's play jack and poy! Whoever is the loser is he\she is the catcher " she said

I nod as a aggreement.

"Jack and Poy!"

"Haha! You are the loser!"

"Ok! I'll count one to three"




"Play?!" I asked


When i hear her say play i immediately find her but in just a couple of mins. Of finding her i hear a loud scream

"Ahhhhhh!! Let me go! Drew hel-mmmmmm" she said

"Jayn where are you?!" I shouted

"Caught ya!" Said the ugly vampire

"Put me down!" I screamed

"Na uh!"

"I said put me down!!" I let my fangs out and bite him

"Ahh! You little brat!" He said as he screamed out of pain

I ran as fast as i could because i need to save jayn.

"Jayn!! Where are you?!" I shouted

"D-drew" i saw jayn lying in the floor. She looks so pale and i saw a bite from her neck

"Who did this to you jayn?" I said in serious tone

"The 'riends'" she said in a low voice as she passed out

"Jayn! No! Wake up!" I said.

When a pure vampire bites a half vampire it will be dead like a dead meat

'Master, where are you?' I recieved a mind link message from my butler

'In riends territory' i replied

'What?!' He shouted

'Please call the others I need help'

'Ok master we're coming'

Just in a minute they came.

"Master are yo---" he didn't finish his word as he saw me hugging jayn's dead body

"It's my fault drey it's my fault" i said between my sobs

"No master it's not your fault."

"Call Mr. Mayles Drey. He needs to know" i said

End of Flashback

I will see you soon Jayn

Ang Hot ni Drew! MyGesh! Haha sarreeh!

Ms. JD

Half Werewolf Half VampireWhere stories live. Discover now