Chapter 14 - Revenge. Best Served Wet

Start from the beginning

            "Wow!" Whistled Fred in admiration.

            "I know." George joined him looking round.

            "You live here?" Ron asked looking round with the others.

            "Yeah." I said awkwardly and scratched the back of my head and the three of them whistled together.

            "This place is nice." Harry said coming through the fire place.


            "So were do we put our bags?" Hermione asked.

            "Through here. Mum and Dad are sorting the rooms out so we're sleeping in tents outside hope that's ok?" I asked for the hundredth time.

            "Look its fine." Hermione said kindly and put her bags down in a cupboard along with everyone else.

            "Wanna tour?" I asked them and they all eagerly nodded. I showed them the huge kitchen another living room that's for my Mum and Dad and their friends, and his office that was filled with papers, cauldrons, and broken bits and bobs and the downstairs toilet (exciting right?!) before heading upstairs. I showed them the three spare rooms that were covered in plastic sheets before getting decorated and another kitchen (we have two for no real reason, we just get hungry I guess and it's great for parties), and my room. I quickly kicked them out though because my clothes were everywhere and it looked like a bomb hit it. There was a lot of loud music coming room the comfy room as my Mum and Dad called it. It's called that because there's just been bags and pillows and things in there really. Fred and George opened the door and I nearly died. My Mum and Dad were playing on some karaoke game and were singing along to Grease (my Muggle cousin made me watch it, it's actually quite good), they were singing the last song where Sandy and Danny where in the fun fair.

            "MUM! DAD! WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I shouted and everyone burst out in uncontrollable fits of laughter.

            "We're just having fun! Wanna join in?"

            "NO! PLEASE STOP!" I shouted again but they carried on singing so I slammed the door on them and shooed everyone down the stairs. Fred and George were on the floor laughing their heads off so I rolled them down the stairs.

            "AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my GOD I love your parents!" Fred wet himself laughing.

            "It's not FUNNY!" I shouted going red.

            "Oh but it is! Who knew your family was so dysfunctional?!" George laughed and I hit him round the head.

            "Shut UP George!" I shouted. "Look. Let's just put the tents up ok?" I snapped grumpily and went into the cupboard where our bags were and got the tents and carried them outside. "Fred, George, Ron get your asses over here!" I barked.

Eenie Meenie Miney Mo! [A Fred and George Weasley Story]Where stories live. Discover now