Full Acquaintance

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  *Trigger: GANGSTA. has lots of triggers, such as drugs, prostitution, gangs, and blood. You have been warned. Leave now if these make you feel uncomfortable!!!

Worick stared at me, blinking for a few moments. "What? You just want us to fix you up? What kind of nonsense is that?"

I looked down at my bloody limbs and back at him. "Well, if Benriya-san can't do this simple task, I bet you're not even capable of doing much. That's a shame..." I sighed and began to turn around.

I heard a punch and a thud on the floor. "I can clean you up if you want. Please, follow me." I turned around and followed the girl. The short foreign dude watched me as I made my way deeper into their complex.

Did I look suspicious? I hope I didn't, and hopefully he didn't jump me. I followed the girl, and she motioned me to sit in a chair. She walked away and came back with a first-aid kit.

"What's your name? I'm Alex, and that guy over there is Worick. He's Nicolas." She smiled at me. I knew she was being friendly. Maybe they hardly got customers because that blond prostitute always scared them away.

"I'm [Name]," I replied. I stuck out my arms while Alex disinfected my wounds. I winced a little because they stung.

"Are you from around here? You probably aren't... I'm sorta new here." Alex pulled out gauze and some band-aids. She wrapped them on my arms and tightened them, so they'd stay.

"No. I'm not from here. I just happened to be here. I heard of 'Benriya,' and I thought that I'd probably stop by and get cleaned before I move on." My legs were now up on Alex's thighs as she began cleaning them now.

She reminded me as a motherly-sort-of-figure. The way she cared and healed, the softness of her personality...and legs. Alex seemed like a nice lady. I cocked my head to the left.

That foreign dude was staring at me again. What was his problem?

"Why does he keep staring?" I whispered to Alex. She chuckled in response.

"He's deaf. I'm pretty sure he's curious to know who you are."

I glanced at him, but he turned around as if trying to not bother me. It's like he knew what I was thinking.

Alex patted my arms. "You're all good to go! Please stay if you want. It gets kind of boring around here."

I stood and checked my once-bloodied body parts. "Wow, you could be a nurse. Thanks." Alex smiled. "And, I'm not sure if I'm welcomed here. I don't want to intrude..."

I wanted to stay to find out more about this place and to stay secure for a little bit. I didn't need to get beaten up again after I just got patched up.

The woman patted my shoulders. "It's okay. Sit, and I'll get you some coffee." I awkwardly walked towards a chair and plopped myself on it.

I sat directly across the weird guy. He looked back at me. I smiled almost friendly and directed my gaze away from him. Feeling awkward not conversing, I decided to start with the basics.

"I'm [Name]. What's your name?" I asked.

He blinked back at me and brought his hands in front of him. He didn't reply, and I felt as if I insulted him or something. I pulled my hand away awkwardly and pretended to brush dirt off of me.

His hands stuck out, and one touched his chest. Then, both hands crossed fingers. His hands somewhat elegantly spelled out strange symbols.

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry... I don't understand."

The man smiled a little and cleared his throat. "My name...is Nicolas. Nicolas Brown." His voice was gruff and sounded as if it was a machine with old gears.

"Nicolas Brown? Typical name for this area. Well, I already introduced myself to you." I folded my arms across my chest.

"What...are you doing here? You're not...from here, right?" His speech was slurred, but I was still able to understand him.

"Of course I'm not from here. I wander around, but I've decided to stay in this town for a while. I hate running around, being a stray." I paused. "Why did you want to know? Do you ask all of your customers?"

Alex came back with hot water and tea packets. "I'm sorry. This is all we have. We'll have to go shopping soon for food." I shook my head and took the cup she gave me.

"It's fine." I took a packet and dunked it into the water. The clear water turned into a pale brown. Alex gave a cup to Nicolas, too, but he refused.

"Have you met Nicolas? Did you converse?" asked Alex. I nodded. "Really? You know sign language? I'm still learning, and Nico is teaching me little by little."

"Sign language? Why would I know that? Nicolas can talk fine; he just needs to work on his speech slurring."

Alex laughed. "[Name], you're so funny. Nicolas is deaf. He can speak a little, but he prefers sign language."

I almost dropped the cup, nearly spilling the hot tea on me. "What?! Then... How can he understand me?!"

"He can read lips. He's really good at it, too. His eyesight is beyond perfect."

I turned to glance at Nicolas, who smiled back at me. I returned it rather awkwardly. "Pleased to have made your acquaintance," said the deaf man.

I began to question myself about ever visiting Benriya-san....

~End: Full Acquaintance~  

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