Entering Show Biz

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Okay, deep breath, this can’t be too bad, just suck it up!

I took a deep breath and dialed the devil’s number.

She picked up after the second ring.

“What did he say?” Sally demanded excitedly.

Deep breath, “He said yes, you can ride Turnip Head in your next lesson.”

There was a long pause on the end of the other line.

“Sally?” Maybe the line got disconnected. “Sally?” Maybe she had hung up after getting what she wanted. “Sally?” Maybe she had been driving and hit a tree and was now in a coma and I was the only witness to what happened.

I was just running through that scenario in my head, ready to swear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, when I noticed the music. I was on hold. She had actually put me on hold.Sally!”

“Sorry, sorry, I just couldn’t believe it!”

Did she just apologize to me? It was too bad I didn’t tape my phone conversations. I wanted to frame that sentence.

“That’s fine. Just…um…see you on Friday.”

“Yeah, yeah,” She sounded all breathy now, “See you Friday.”

“Okay, good, well, bye.”


And I hung up before my day could get any weirder.

At least, I thought that hanging up on the devil incarnate would make my day less weird, until Daisy showed up.

“Hey, Daze, now’s not really the best time. I’ve got the vet coming soon to give injections and I have to ride Buttercup before my lessons start.”

“Yeah, sure,” She waved it away as if it was nothing, “That can wait.”

“Um, Daze, this is kinda my job now. I have to ride him. And teach. And take care of the horses. Remember the whole ‘all outta money’ thing? If you like I can redo the whole freak out session about potentially losing my horse.”

I wasn’t exactly in a good mood. I think that maybe I should get more than three hours of sleep a night. Who knew that sleep was good for you?

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Daisy exclaimed.

I stared at her, but when no magical epiphany presented itself, I raised an eyebrow and sighed, “Okay, I give, explain.”

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