Speed Demon

726 45 6

Hey, guys. Sorry this took so long. Ironically enough, I had it written out ages ago. But it’s really hard to type with a broken wrist and a caste that makes your hand a funny shape. So I tried to find a typing slave to do it for me. That didn’t work so well as she just read the chapter but NEVER TYPED IT!!! So I finally gave up. I hope you know how much I love you guys; typing this hurt. So it took over a week. And, since I felt bad for stalling so long, this chapter is extra long and extra cute (I felt I owed it to Heather and Sam, despite the fact they are just figments of my imagination and not real people...you'll see what I mean)

Ps, yes, my horse has actually done this. Twice.


“Don’t flatter yourself cowboy, I was looking at your horse”

~Bumper Sticker courtesy of Ride_To_Live

I sighed and stared out the window, trying to decide if I should be happy or sad.

On the one hand, it was pouring with rain, hall of fame depressing weather. The window was literally a vertical lake, there was that much coming down. And I couldn’t ride.

On the other hand, the rain meant all my lessons were cancelled, so I was free. Sam and I were going to dinner and a movie since I suddenly had a free evening, and we were going to actually have a date where I didn’t have to run off to save some horse or give someone a quick make up lesson.

On the third, more insecure hand, I wasn’t sure if a fit-in date with Sam was a good thing. Things had been awkward between us ever since Sally dropped that whole ‘dumping’ bomb shell on me. Or had it started before then? I groaned, fed up with the world.

And then I sighed. Racing raindrops and internally freaking were getting boring. I looked around the living room. TV just didn’t hold its old appeal—not since my life had become more like a soap opera than anything a Hollywood director could come up with. I glanced at the bookcase tucked in a corner. I just wasn’t relaxed enough to read about other people’s problems. And studying the anatomy of a horse was not as entertaining as it sounded.

What had I done to kill time back when I had time to kill?

My eyes fell on the bottom shelf of the bookcase.

Video games.

Way back in the time of dinosaurs, I had been obsessed with racing games. Outside of horses, they were my life.

I shrugged, maybe a little virtual road rage would do me some good.

Six patrol cars, four FBI, three rammers, and a helicopter. It was official, the police wanted me, dead or alive. Then again, I had destroyed about fifteen of their brothers already, so they were just avenging the deaths of their brothers. Who could blame them? Oh, right, I could.

I mean, I was just street racing! No one got hurt! Except for all those cars I crashed into…

Seeing a roadblock in ahead, I did a sudden U-turn and crashed into the FBI car that had been tailgating me. Since this was a video game, my car didn’t take any damage and I was able to speed away. Slamming on the nitrous and enjoying the flames coming out my exhaust pipe, I zipped past all my other pursuers. Driving at 210, I dodged through everyone and away, my rearview filled with blue and read flashing lights.

And then a taxi decided to ignore all the sirens, noise, and personal safety, and jumped out in front of me.

“Idiot!” I screamed, as my car was forced onto a wall.

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