Chapter 1- What an "awesome" day to be alive.

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I groaned as the sound of my death march, I mean alarm for school, chimed at the ungodly hour of 6 on. Why on earth do we live in a world where we have to go to school every day?

Let me start by saying that I am not a morning person. I may be a nerd and all, but the thought of waking up to go to that hellhole we call school at this time of day did not seem appealing to me. But if I'm being honest, if I went to school at Hogwarts, I so would not mind leaving my bed.

So, I did what any graceful person does when they wake up, I let the sunshine glow on my face as I sang along to the chirping birds as we all sang the halleluiah chorus. Oh who am I kidding? I look like a freaking troll when I leave my bed. I quickly do my morning activities, and swipe on a small bit of mascara as I wait for my best friend to pull outside my house.


Well, there she is. Unlike any normal person who will text saying they've arrived, she insists on honking three times so I will not mistake her for someone else. I think she is crazy, because who else honks at this time of day, in a small town like ours. Oh well, I still love her, craziness and all.

I hurry outside so I don't have to suffer three more honks, and rush to the passenger seat.

"Hey Grace!" Shelby exclaims. She is such a morning person.

"Hey." I manage to grunt back.

"Wow, you are in such a great mood this morning! You must have slept like sleeping beauty."

"We all know that could never happen."

"Well maybe if you stopped reading your teen fiction novels until 2 in the morning on a school night, then you wouldn't feel like dying."

"We both know that is not possible and that will never happen. Those novels make me feel alive!" I exclaim with a grin.

"You are such a dork." She says teasingly.

"That's why you love me!" I tease back. To be honest, I am a huge hopeless romantic, which most people would not guess due to the fact that I am a super nerd, but Shelby understands because she to, is a hopeless romantic. In fact, she told me that if I were a boy, I would be perfect for her. And to be honest, I was not sure how to feel about that statement.

"Speaking of love, did you read the hopeless romantic column that was in the school paper the other day? Echo Rose really knows and understands my feelings perfectly. This past article was so relatable." She asks out of the blue.

Well, crap. This is awkward. The thing is, I write that column, but I am not supposed to let anyone know that it is me writing that column. The editor of the paper, Sean, says it is because viewers want someone anonymous because it is for some reason more relatable if they do not know who the person writing is. I personally think that is a load of hogwash, but I do not mind people not knowing my secret. I am already a nerd, I do not need this to add to my already growing lists of names to call me. But basically my job is to write open and relatable letters about love, life, and anything in between. So specific right? I also can answer any letters that viewers of the paper send in, under my alias of course, so that way the paper is interactive. I am not really sure why I got the job, but I do enjoy it. I just hate moments like this, where I have to pretend that I am not the writer of the column.

"No, I didn't get the chance. What was it about?" I ask, hopefully not suspiciously.

"I'll find you a copy, but it was a letter to the "perfect guy," and the way she talked made me feel like she was reading my mind." Shelby answers excitingly. Looks like my secret is still safe.

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