Fisher - The Future is Mine

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"Wes, I'm moving into position," said a his subordinate, over his com-link.

"Roger that," Fisher replied. "Any sign of hostiles?"

"Negative, sir. All clear."

"When you get a shot, you take it," said the Field Commander in his ear.

Fisher nodded silently. Despite all the things the target had done to this country, regardless of all the ways he had terrorized humanity, Fisher almost didn't want to shoot the gun. Nothing would ever get him used to the idea of being the catalyst that removed another being from this world. But he shook his head, made that thought flee from his consciousness. He had been given a job and he knew what had to be done. He was ready - no more waiting. It was time. He took one last deep breath and said a brief prayer.

And then he pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot smacked into Fisher's ears loud and pungently, and his rifle snapped backwards into his shoulder. A razor thin line of pure energy shot out of the muzzle and rocketed through the air, leaving steaming drops of rain floating up in its wake. Fisher followed the beam with his eyes and watched as it passed through the steel wall, smacked into the man's head, and sent him spiraling to the ground.

"Do we have a confirmed kill?" Wes asked, keeping his eye on the target's body.

"I'm scanning the room now," Kyrsha replied, tapping away at her computer. The next few seconds were tense. No one so much as uttered a word as the entire Squadron waited for the results. But Fisher didn't need to hold his breath. There was only one way that something like that could end. No one could survive something like that, and he never, ever missed.

"Men," Kyrsha said, "target is terminated."

Fisher was nearly deafened by the shouts of excitement that came across his radio link. They had a right to be happy, a right to be proud. Months of collective hard work and dedication had finally come to a close. They had hunted that scum for months and he was now going to go down in history. Wes Fisher had just become a hero.

Wes Fisher was now a legend.

He just didn't feel like one.

"Nice shot, Commander Fisher," Kyrsha said, slapping him on the shoulder. "Congratulations."

"You did it, Commander!"

"Nice job, son!"

"Yeah!" McCoy screamed in their ears. "Let's go fry some more, let's go hunting!"

"Now, now, calm down, we're not finished yet," Fisher said. "McCoy, get in there with the extraction team. We need to get out of here before civilians get wind of what's going on."

"On it sir! Nice job!"

Fisher nodded and took a moment to take his eyes off of the sniper scope. The adrenaline was still running through him and he had to breathe deeply to bring himself back down. He stared out over the dark buildings of the sleeping city, taking in the dripping skyscrapers and blazing advertisements. One more Pill Dodger had been taken off the streets.

Today was a good day wasn't it?

If it was, why didn't he feel better about himself?

"That was quite a shot, Commander."

Fisher smiled and glanced at Kyrsha, watched as her hair swam wildly through the high altitude winds.

"Impressed, are ya'?" He replied.

She nodded.

"That was alright. The Supreme Commander actually has some skills I guess."

Fisher chuckled.

Flash FictionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora