The Book

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Max POV.

Yet another boring day at the ride residence. I have the most boring life ever.

Hi, my name's Max, I am 23 years old, I have the lame job of an assistant. I live in Arizona with my 'younger sister' Ella. Well we're not really sisters but she is some one I met at the orphanage. We were adopted into the family. It was a closed adoption so we don't really know either of our parents but I don't mind it. We have an amazing mom and that's what matters.

"Max! I need your help!" I heard Ella yell from the upstairs of our small shack.
"I'm coming!"
I head upstairs too find Ella, hands on her hips and a frown on her face.
"You need to help me pack."
Yeah I should tell you one last thing, we're moving to Canada in a few weeks.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it. I'll get the closet."
I walk over to Ella's closet and started to sift through her stuff. My hands were running themselves through Ella's many clothes before they hit something hard. I reach out and grab the object.

A book.

The book looked pretty old, the cover way made of a dull brown leather, it had a gold design around the title of the book and on the spine. I read the title and gasped,
Happily Ever After.
It was in an italic looking writing,it was written in gold and had an X in place of the dot over the i.

"Ella what's this?"
Ella turned around and saw what I was holding. She looked confused, and said
"I honestly don't know,I've never seen it in my life."
Okay now I'm confused.
"If it's not yours than who's is it?"
"I don't know. But let's take a look at it, maybe it's from the grim brothers."
I went to Ella's bed and sat down, she plunked down next to me and touched the cover.

I flipped the book open and instantly regretted it.
The book felt like fire on my hands as I held it. I dropped the book and observed my hand.
I didn't look up until I heard Ella scream. I saw the reason why she was screaming and almost screamed myself.
The book was glowing but the light only beamed from the pages. I gave Ella a worried look.
What is this thing? All I know is that it's no normal book.
I stand up and take a step toward the book. I feel Ella telling me not too. Another step. I hear Ella grab my hand and try to pull me back. Two more steps. I need to know what this thing is. One more step. Begin to feel the gravitational pull, I know Ella feels it too because she starts to pull even harder. I take one last step before I suddenly black out.

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