Chapter Two: Frank The Plank: Part One

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Willow's P.O.V:

It was Friday afternoon and I was up in my room, just staring at the ceiling. I had met Steve when Ian, Lip, and I came in from the van. He seemed nice enough but I got the impression that he was hiding something from everyone but I couldn't quit put my finger on it. As long as he didn't hurt my family I was fine with that. I was happy that Lip and Ian had made up because as long as they were okay with each other I was fine too. I had meant what I had said when we were in the van. It didn't matter if everyone in my family was mad at me, as long as they were okay with each other I was fine too.

I started to think about my job and if my family would get mad at me if I kept bringing in that much cash a month and I didn't tell them what I did to make the money. I also knew that either Ian or Lip or even Carl would start to follow me in the mornings if I wasn't more carful. I sighed and thought about moving my meeting place with clients because one of my siblings would be able to find me somewhat easily. I thought about having to ask to move the meeting place, that would be a little hard.

I had to meet Micky and his brothers on the Monday we got back after school, then I had to meet two other clients. I had very few rules with my business one of them being that my clients were not allowed to use anything but their fists and their feet to beat me. Another rule was that they were not to hit my face or legs because then if I got bruises on my face my siblings would ask about it and if I started limping they would ask about that. My clients had to pay me ten dollars for twenty minutes of pure beating, and forty minutes would be twenty dollars. So basically every twenty minutes of beating was ten dollars.

I knew that this business wasn't the best but it wasn't like I could get a real job like Ian or Fiona, I wasn't smart enough to tutor anyone like Lip, and I wasn't good with kids like Debbie. This was the only way I could help everyone. It wasn't like I couldn't endure the pain or I couldn't hide the fact that most of the time I was in agonizing pain. I was very happy with myself because non of my siblings ever saw my pain and if they did then that would just run my life because non of them deserved to even attempt to help me carry my load, I could do that myself. I was brought out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my door. I sighed and got up to walk to the door. When I opened the door I saw someone I wasn't quite expecting.

"Well hello there Steve." I greeted.

"Hi. How are you this fine day, Willow?" He asked politely.

"I'm good what about yourself?" I smiled.

"I'm well thank you for asking." Steve also smiled down at me because I was about a foot shorter than him. After a couple seconds of just staring at each other we started to laugh.

"So did you come up to my room just to say hello, or did you want to ask me something." I asked leaning against my door frame, the door was still closed and pressed against my body so he couldn't see inside of my room..

"Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you that everyone is downstairs watching T.V and I got everyone food." He said

"Oh okay, I'll be down in a second." I said standing up straight.

"Okay, I'll see you downstairs." Then Steve left to go down the stairs to meet up with everyone. I sighed, closed my door, and leaned against it. Then I slid down the wooden door until I was sitting on the ground.

"Steve why did you have to get me food?" I thought. I can't not except it because he went out of his way just to get my family and I food. I was very grateful to Steve for getting my family food. I would give whatever food he got me to my siblings because they deserved more food than me but it would be very rude of me to do so. My only options where to either one: eat it, or two: use my vegetarian card if he got everybody something with meat in it. Which I really was vegetarian but sometimes I had to use that excuse to get out of eating anything. It worked most of the time but I think Fiona, Ian, and Lip are starting to catch on to my little act.

Willow GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now