Chapter 13 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Start from the beginning

            "Er yeah, but look…" He looked at me expectantly. "Er… I thought you would be storming off by now or shouting at me so I didn't come up with anything else."

            "What about "your type"?" He asked putting air quotes around your type.

            "I don't have a type!" He looked at me. "Not all of them had blonde hair."

            "Yeah! Danny had sandy hair." Jo said coming over to us laughing. I glared at her and she shuffled awkwardly.

            "Are you thirsty Jo?" I asked through gritted teeth.

            "Er yeah." She said and ran off towards the bar.

            "So Danny had sandy hair then?" He asked looking at me.

            "Er yeah. Look can we drop it? Please?" I begged him.

            "Yeah but I just want to know, would you ever see someone behind my back who looks like what your friend Lisa said?" He asked slightly worried. My mouth hit the floor.

            "No! Of course I won't! I'm not some sort of hoe!" I protested.

            "I was only kidding I do trust you. I just… wasn't aware of how many boyfriends you had and you had a type."

            "I don-" I started to say I don't have a type but he kissed me to silence me.

            "I know. Now come on. It's your birthday. Enjoy it!" For the next couple of hours we had a laugh. It was really fun and cute with everyone there. I saw Lisa get off with George in the corner of the room and I pointed it out to Fred and we laughed about it. I chatted to everyone there and a few teachers came in for a bit to "make sure it didn't get out of hand", but when they saw my Mum, Dad, Uncle Jack and Cousin Lou, they left.

            "Hey can I take you outside quickly?" Fred asked.

            "Sure." I said and he pulled me out.

            "Be quick Fred." George said meaningfully to him.

            "We'll be back in a minute." He said to him and we went outside. "Want to see your birthday present now?" He asked and I nodded eagerly and bounced slightly on the spot. He went in his pocket and pulled out an envelope and handed it too me. I opened it up and there was a plain card in it. That's it. Just a plain card. I looked up at Fred.


            "Open it up." He looked really eager about it.

            "Ok then…" I opened it up and it was still plain and empty with nothing in it. "Seriously Fred? What is it?" I whined.

            "Just look all over the card." Aaargh!!! Why doesn't he just tell me what he got me!!! I closed the card and opened it several times. "Look just ask the card what you want to know." He said simply and smiling at me as if I was stupid which really annoyed me.

            "What had Fred got me as a present for my birthday?" Suddenly the card changed colour and after a moment or two a hippogriff was flying on the card over a really beautiful scene. On the top was the usual Happy Birthday writing and I opened it up and there was a small wooden box inside made from a handsome mahogany colour. I held them whilst I read the note inside.

            "To Brooke

Hope you like the card (Hermione helped me do it). Wanted it to be special for you. I hope you like the present I got you after you asking to see it for so long. If you don't suck it up =P.

Eenie Meenie Miney Mo! [A Fred and George Weasley Story]Where stories live. Discover now