Chapter Ten- There's only one girl I've ever loved and it's YOU

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Cam's POV

As the secretary took us upstairs towards the dormittary rooms, I noticed someone was missing. Jordanne, and not so suprisingly so was Ricky. I didn't understand what Jordanne saw in him, she needed to see the real him that he'd ever so craftilly been hiding from her. He was scum and after I'd caught him in the act, I could kill him. Jordanne really didn't deserve to be treated like that, especially when she'd bloody been in hospital.

I was brought back to reality when I felt someone putting something into the back pocket of my jeans, I casually turned around and for a minute my heart raced as I thought it was Jordanne. No such look, it was that slutty secretary Rosie or whatever her name was. She slipped a piece of paper into my back pocket which I prresumed was her number and winked. Being the gentleman I was I gave her my award winning smile and winked back before walking along towards Max and the others. Yeah I was attractive and I knew it but I wasn't a snob. I wouldn't use my looks just for sex, I hadn't had sex in a while. There was only one person in this world I could possibly make love too. And right now we were'nt talking and she probabally hated me.

Yeah I used to treat girls like shit, but when Jordanne asked me about it I stopped. That was the day I knew I was in love with her. I could remember it like yesterday.

We were fourteen and at the lake sunbathing beside the willow tree. It had been about four months since my precious mum had died and I was finally getting over it, gradually. Jordanne had been lying next to me, she looked gorgoeus that day with her long black hair in loose waves and red raybans.

"Hey Cam, you know because we're bestfriends, can I ask you something?" she said as she pulled herself up and started tugging at the grass. She always did that when something was playing on her mind. The thing was with Jordanne, she was very easy to predict with her tendancies. If she was upset she would bite her lip, nervous she would awkwardly grab her fingers and start playing with them. And the worse one of all, if something was really bothering her and she was outside she would tug at grass.

"Course Jord, what is it?" I replied as I stared into her dark green eyes that were filled with anxiety. She scared me to death when she was upset, it was hard to watch the girl you love more than life itself cry or worry about things.

"Cam, we need to talk. I know about Melissa,Courtney,Katie and the others. Why didn't you tell me?" she whispered, her bottom lip quivered and she lowered her head. Her long black waves covered her face and I felt dreadful for decieveing her. How could I lie to my best friend, the one person who I trusted with my life, I'd let down.

I really was a heartless bastard.

Jordanne was one of the strongest people I knew, after living through years of abuse no one knew about, suicidal thoughts, depression, cutting and god knows what else. It took alot to break Jordanne down, and the guy who had stopped her from running in front of that train and killing herself had broken her.

"I'm sorry Jord, I'm just a wreck, what with mum passing away. I just felt like shit and needed someone to make me feel better. So I guess I used them... I'm so sorry for not telling you Jord. I feel like shit now." I replied, yeah I had used so many girls the past few months. It's not like anything could make me feel better though, its not easy when your idol passes away.

My mum meant the world too me, she was the perfect role model. The only fault I had ever found in my mum was that she was too kind, if I did something wrong she wouldn't punish me when I deserved it. She was the best mum I could ever ask for, to both me and Jordanne.

The day I found out she'd died I couldn't speak to anyone. I didn't cry or scream I just went into a shock, all day I sat by the lake sitting next to Jordanne. If she hadn't of been there I would of drowned myself, I was destroyed. But Jordanne saved me lie I'd saved here many years ago and that was why we were so close.

"Cam, you can't go around screwing every girl because you feel like it. You've broken her heart." she replied as she still stared down at her shoes, the tears landing in heaps onto her bare legs. I hated seeing my best friend cry, it made me want to cry.

"Who's heart?"

"All of them. Have you seen yourself, everyone thinks your perfect. Your hot, your kind, your body is great, your the bad boy stereotype. CAM, ANY GIRL WOULD BE YOURS!" she shouted as she lifted her head and quickly wiped away the tears before pulling out the grass angrily.

"There's only one girl I've ever loved..."

"It's going to be Melissa. I'm not going to take no for an answer." as Jordanne spoke her voice was cold and her eyes bore into mine angrily.

"Why would I love her, she's a right slag!" I replied coldly thinking back to the blonde bimbo who strolled around in hot pants even in winter.

That's when Jordanne did the most bizzar thing ever, she slapped me. Her hand ran across my face briefly causing an intense burning sensation rising on my cheek.

But it wasn't from the slap, it was from Jordanne's terrified eyes as she realised what she done. Tears started flying down her face yet again as she whimpered.

"She's pregnant Cam," she whispered as she brought her hand back towards my burning cheek and rubbed it softly before pressing her lips against the red mark.

That was the day I found out I was in love with my best friend Jordanne Louise Walker and was also a father to another girls baby.

I've not stopped loving Jordanne ever since.

She was my perfect best friend, who someday I hoped to make my wife. She may not be perfect to everyone else, but I've seen her on her worse days and best days. I've kissed away her bruises and thrown away the razors.

I will never, ever, "regret the day I pulled her back from the train tracks and held her in my arms as she cried about how her life was not worth living.

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